petrkabelka: I think you should have specified that Mystic Coins are never to be sold since you need a metric ton of them for legendary crafting down the line. I would game end myself if I was selling them in the beginning when I knew nothing.
ruslanpankiv8113: Hi, and thanks for the awesome video!
I started playing around 3 weeks ago. Haven't even touched any group content yet—just enjoying open-world activities. Everything you said about leveling and the open world would have been super useful to know a few weeks ago. I learned it bit by bit from many other videos, so it's great to have everything packed into a quick guide
faithharral8475: Super nice summary of several dozen guides. Having watched a ton of yours while getting on my feet, it was fun ro watch this and feel the
vallougomoulou5945: Thanks for the video, i just wanna point a few things out
1: you dont need the Icebrood saga to do the strike missions, i could do them before buying Ibs (I did all of them at least once except forging steel, so cant vouch for that one.)
2: for new players who want to join up, the starting areas' waypoints are unlocked from the start (money shouldnt be an issue since, iirc, you can still use waypoints even if you dont have enough money)
3: In my opinion, the silver fed salvage-o-matic is a trap, since it costs 1 and a half gold (or 150 silver) to salvage 250 items, whereas a mystic salvage kit costs a bit less than 50 silver for 250 uses. The tiebreaker for getting or not is the convenience of not having to craft one in the mystic forge every faw days/week. (It costs a mystic stone and a blue, green and yellow salvage kit from most merchants.)
Hope this helps, and great job on the vid !
SabsUploads: I don’t have questions I just like your voice
deadvodka: This is great advice. Tremendous! Well put together and cohesive. Thank you for putting this out.
ProphetOfTruth_: Haven’t played since April/May 2014 but always considered jumping back in since I was close to crafting twilight. I had half the clovers left then I just needed all those t6 mats for gifts of magic/might and I was done. I had the gift of exploration, gift of battle (the old school way where you needed badges), and I even had got really lucky with dusk (did it the mystic forge way and got it in fewer than a dozen tries). I think I had just ran out of karma for obsidian shards and didn’t have any gold for the mats either. It’s a shame I never finished, I still think twilight is one of the best looking video game weapons I’ve ever seen.
Jeffsharp937: I just stated this past Friday and spent more hours on YouTube looking for guides more than I would like to admit…. Well at least a current one …. Thank you so much
ruslanpankiv8113: I have a question regarding gold farming. I’ve watched a lot of content on this topic but can’t find any strategies for good old mob grinding.
I’m currently doing the Path of Fire story, and yesterday I was completing a heart in Destiny’s Gorge (Crystal Oasis). I was killing mobs in the Forged Foothold area, and I noticed that nearly every mob dropped blue or green unidentified gear, along with some junk and materials. The mobs also respawn faster than I can kill them. It seemed like a nice and chill solo farming method.
But for some reason, no one recommends mob grinding or discusses optimization and spots in gold farming guides. Is there a reason for that? Maybe some in-game mechanics that reduce drops or mob spawns over time?
lammia07: Finally got time to watch your video.
qwoz2327: Erm if thief bad why can 2 players out of the entire community hit 55k benches on it? Smh fake news mr. silhouette not expecting new players to be the literal best the community has to offer...
pordoklanian: <3
ozanxD: Too expensive to try this game
Jan 22 2025