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TOP 10 GOLD Farms in GW2 in 2025

funcontent8647: could you please explain the dungeon gold 30-70g a little better please? this seems unrealistic

diwi7552: î would love to see a video of dungeon goldfarm thingly, never knew that this gives so much gold :o good video syrma <3

MaguumaTV: BEST GOLD farm my ass :D. Buy 5 GW2 accounts on sale for 7,55 (POF HOT). Do 1-2 weeklies on each one of them and you will have about 1k for 2-5 hours work each Wizards Vault Season. I belive a season is 60 days, so that should be 6k per year for olmost no time spend.

WiscoHoosier291: Excellent video as always Syrma. Finally getting the recognition you deserve. Keep it up! I'm also looking forward to the Dungeon video. I have no clue why more people don't run these at least weekly. Hopefully the upcoming video gets some views and I can finally get some consistent groups in the LFG.

butzfam0: Subscribed because it didn’t cost me gold.

L00pTroop: I did winterstorm meta in bjora a few times last week and was surprised as well, how much gold it is. It might be a personal thing cause I did not play bjora marches any time except for the story playthrough, but the meta was kind of funny to do in between the regular one.

Dragons end is over all still my favorite meta

mindenesvegyes8512: Nice numbers. Sadly need way too much time.

naskorar: Nothing personal but as a long time player you should better know yet there is nothing like best farm for 2025 coz year just started and noone know what will hapan in few months as a lot farming method are not that they was

socialkruption: Too bad some of these requires groups, I only play thief and always get rejected from group pve, even when I a joined a guild, they said no. Least I have open world for the time being until they nerf thief.

Jan 13 2025

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