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This New Expansion Will Save Guild Wars 2! First Impressions!

japa0820: They really did a great job with this expansion, it shows that they did listen to people and understood why SoTo somehow "failed".

Just to mention, this maps give me THE WITCHER vibes.

Whats_Up_Dot: if this is the quality of their yearly expansions moving forward, then gw2 has a bright bright future ahead

MrVyse: Janthir Wilds is in my Opinion 1000x better than EOD and SoTo together lol.

dango4ever719: I tried so hard to like SotO but it was such a chore to get through. Janthir has been such a breath of fresh air. Me and my buddy were exploring Lowland Shore and didn’t realize that hours had passed.

exosageplays8404: Seeing a lot of positive feedback for the new expansion, but the content part seems very light ? I have a feeling the players might run through the entire content in a week probably. Correct me if I'm wrong

nielsjensen4185: It really shows that ANet got a lot of people when Blizzard made the dumb "no remote work" decision. The amount of people they had on SotO would never have madethis.

johnypanta6208: Soto started out very strong but the end was kinda weird and felt out of place

RobinDuehring: I am loving JW so far too!

GetThePizza: the 1st map is beyond amazing, the second one however is absolutely devoid of interesting content except the meta, which is sad bc it does look pretty

traviscue2099: I think its the best map content since HoT. Like of course its currently lacking group content at this patch, but the first 2 days have been genuinely fun. After the 2nd chapter the story has arguably the best pacing in terms of adventure/doing stuff at the homestead/silly adventure ect.. Both maps are amazing with chill/silly stuff to do, painting titan footprints on a beach/collecting honey/frogger ect.. The second map Janthir Syntri might be my favorite map Anets ever done, I turned up the rain effects and sat in that map all day doing events/exploring... Also keen to go fishing eventually..Reminds me of the Death Stranding map.. Keen to see the raid/convergence/added patches and maps as we go into the year!

cyborg7162: Honestly my faith for anet got reloaded (didnt like SotO)

I enjoy everything about janthir, specially the maps and WB, cant wait for the raid/convergence.

Aug 23 2024

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