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The Return of Raiding and Convergences in Janthir Wilds GW2 News July 24th 2024

BioZook: Raids are a staple of MMO’s, and ANET made good ones. I wish it wasnt a question of should they make more, and instead how do they help more people engage with them
ozirus3344: I feel so vindicated. I said months ago that new PVE content would contribute to the Obsidian Armor and got told I was dumb since "it the selling point of SOTO". Feels good man.
johnlines9864: The history of raids...
People into raiding do the raid. They then ridicule people that haven't done it before. Those new people never do it again. So raid population is really low. Anet stops making raids because raid population is low. People into raiding wonder why.
alexm7537: If they want to push people into raids make a mount skin drop for each raid based on a boss or mob in the raid. Can even make it so that the dropped version can be sold/traded and then have an account-bound version available to buy for raid currency, gold, and karma (give us something to throw karma at).
KaryudoDS: That caught my eye when they mentioned a new raid since that's about the only content I log on for usually. At this point I still think the raid fights are just more interesting than strikes with maybe a few exceptions and the strike CMs for some reason just don't feel like things I'd normally ever repeat. Even if Anet after 7 wings, never seemed to entirely figure out what "raid" content is supposed to be, which is probably the main reason I'm interested in this, just not jumping up and down excited for it yet.
pkmnswampmaster: Simple way to prevent the new raids from being dead on arrival by 90 something % of the player base:

- Make a "story mode" like dungeons where is significantly easier and gives you a taste of what you can expect if you continue.
- Ensure the "story mode" doesn't have to be cleared with every character in order to go to the "normal" and "Challenge" difficulties to allow people to have a easy time using alts.
- Do NOT make unintuitive/obscure mechanics (I'm looking at you blue buff before Vale Guardian that you have to figure out is removeable with Boon strip skills) on the "story" mode, leave that for "Normal" and "Challenge" modes.
- Make actually good rewards in terms of gold per hour with a possible "jackpot" drop like a very rare infusion or transmutation items so that we don't lose almost everyone to (Insert profitable Open world meta events here) instantly.
- Look back at older raids and give them this new reward structure so if new players enjoy this new raid experience they might give the older ones a try now.
- Why do we have a weekly lockout on a game that has no power progression since (Insert when Ascended gear was added into the game)?
- Party Finder (lol).

Raids will probably still be one of the least played modes in the game, but they can make it a little bit more welcoming so we don't lose potential players that won't even give it a try.
desel8737: dreadwing: 2/10, failed a single time in the middle of the night with less than 20 players for me
knight: 3/10, never failed for me but feels a little tougher
sorrow: 6/10, tough chicken, but i can't remember the last time it failed
sister: 8/10, failes sometimes thanks to leechers who don't collect essences for zojja
umbriel. ... FU** UMBRIEL
critical-thinker666: Anets approach to content is very curious, they constantly crying about instanced content being too expensive, while making absolutely useless lobby for each expansion with most convoluted way to join strikes/raids/convergence etc..
SuperPalinek: I choose to stop trusting Anet. "We are gonna try something new" is a story of guild wars, they are constantly chnging stuff, and usually for worse, the power levels are all over the place, all the new encounters come out unplayable, buggy and not fun to play at all.. i wont be buying Janthir until most of patches are out so i could see what crap im going into if at all.
student76543: I find the idea that the excitement about raids caused them to make one extremely funny, but there's something that doesn't work out:
if they had meant player housing, why specify "5 years" which would be rather specific for a feature that people have wanted basically since the game came out. It just makes more sense that it was always meant to be a raid.
traviscue2099: We NEED a Raid/Strike/Convergence/Fractal panel.. Similar to the WvW/PvP/Guild panels, just an easy window that isn't the confusing LFG channel. That alone would bring so much more people into that content.

Jul 26 2024

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