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The reason I have 15,000 hours in Guild Wars 2

matty4376: Damn, she plays gw2 also

Phoenix9462: That bow was my first legendary, and still one of my favorites in GW2.

simonargent4650: Waiiit, she plays GW2 as well?!?! Discovered Lua via BG3, but to find out she plays my fav game ive been playing for over 11 years too?!

afiDaveykerr: Borderlands has a unicorn as a gun

ChevaliersEmeraude: 1- Loving Guild Wars 2!!! :)

2- Someone has to mod the Dreamer in Baldur's Gate 3! :D

runebeargames899: Lua... I completely agree with the pistols. But that bow... that bow needs to be replaced with something better. Like a Moot!

Rokoi518: You play gw2? Jeez. You’re going to make someone a very happy husband one day lol

DarthTach: Wait....Guild Wars 2 is still alive?

gimmicky6474: I had no idea you played gw2, love this game

bboysmalltown666: Love me some gw2. I should jump back on since the new expac is out

Aug 29 2024

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