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The Most Fun GW2 Janthir Wilds Open World Spear Builds

beathachfiadhaich: Finally someone is talking about new builds with spears. Thank you
mandalaputra2787: dont give me hope with that bladesworn clickbait
trevuori: Why Bountiful Blades in Domination on Mirage if you're not using a greatsword?
Dahkeus3: Great vid, but pro tip for anything in Janthir open world: Consider taking a sigil of nullification if your build doesn’t already have boon strip. There’s a lot of mobs/bosses out there with protection and being able to strip that makes a big difference.
TheScrootch: 5 - 2 - 4 - 3 - 5 is especially important on Ele's spear in fire since fire 3 buffs the damage of your next spear skill, which will be your big damage 5 Thank you for this. I was looking for something like this since spears came out
brandorino: Willbender with the alacrity traits and f2 vigor and skill reduction. Sword sword/spear is really fun. Both in open world and wvw. Do your normal willbender things with swords to get to your targets > swap spear > 5,4,3,2 or f1. The alacrity let’s you pretty much stay just in spear, use swords for mobility. Rage/hydromancy on spear feels good. Bring sword of justice for a little range and vulnerability.
sevenember3332: Thanks for keeping accessibility in mind. I’m one of the people who needs easy play builds at times and sometimes it seems like the build makers forget that needs to be a thing that allows those who are less able to have fun
GonzalezS777: I love this patch. I mained warrior for years and have not been able to get a good patch to make me want to play it again. This spear has revived the class for me and it feels so good. Not too strong but just right in the middle for wvw. And pve side of it is also great. Been hooked and I’m still doing all things on first map only. Anet nailed it with this one.
aapieaapie: This is exactly what I was looking for! Fun builds for open world :)
jwf2327: Spot on dude! Great channel and another excellent video! TY!

Aug 29 2024

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