MissesOneTwo: The farming methods might be lazy, but your editing doesn't look lazy at all!
Violetawa: "the wizard's vault is extremely profitable"
shows a chair with a million cats
Spagoody: i will be so smug to all the other people at the retirement home when my basic leather rack finally pays back on the investment
gully041: I prefer the training grounds in Seitung Province in if you need the daily heart. Its super fast if you do the short jumping puzzle in the zone, and you get an exp buff as well.
desel8737: what i learned from watching your video: gw2 has boob physics
aquapendulum: Depending on the market condition, fishing could be the #1 or #2 spot in gold/hour among non-combat activities. The other non-combat activity that trades spots with fishing is the treasure hunting meta in Desert Highlands.
Another underrated lazy gold farm is daily strike missions. Play the 2 laziest builds in the game - DPS pistol akimbo Deadeye or QHeal Herald where most of your rotation is auto attack - then do daily strikes. Every week, you trade the blue crystals earned from strikes for 10 mystic coins and sell those.
tehazn0909: One big tip for the Position Rewinder is that you can change build templates to revert back into place instead of the 2 skill.
Super useful if you are doing multiple characters that utilize it.
Photoloss: While it goes against the spirit of the video a bit one thing I'd definitely recommend is to try and align your lazy farms with your personal progression goals over gold/hour where possible. Jade Runestones may be tradeable, but LS3 4 IBS map currencies notably are NOT so if you're working on Aurora or Vision park your alts in jumping puzzles in those maps to farm the account bound currency instead of generic gold. Likewise if you're working on EoD legendaries probably stay at the Kaineng JP even if some website says Bjora or Nabkha is better g/h because you're effectively making an extra 15% in saved TP fees. Expansion meta events usually also give Amalgamated Gemstones, a common component in legendaries. Or if you're a newer player and really want some rewards from a specific release, maybe park all your alts in those maps and do a dedicated chest run there instead of farming gold which will never buy you that Stellar Revolver to begin with.
coffeedart_gw2: The best place for fishing is not kourna and Desert anymore and hasn't been for a long time now .. I have 3 videos on fishing on my channel with extensive data on fishing! Best place is New Kaineng Coastal Fish (Mackerel) Day time [~40g/hr] and Inner Nayos (Mackerel) - Night time [50 g/hr]
Another banger video with awesome editing btw!
Cheers Lara :)
Opus_Fluke: Oh, Auric Basin! Thank you for buying me LWS4 and IBS! Yes, you really can farm that over and over by activating two Pylons to get enough participation to snag Big Chest Loot. As the Skritt says, "How can anything be wrong when we're surrounded by shiny? Think about it!"
GGames97: I dont play the game but I just love your accent
shrikes45: For the weekly Wiz Vault events/group events I usually do Dragonstorm meta at EotN. If you manage to get participation for all of the available events, you get credit for 10. =)
Also, no mention of naked man? 3 mins for a mystic coin!
theMadFurball: Super solid video!
Only thing I'd add for the lazy meta, kill your daily ley anomaly! Can't get much lazier 2g, haha
alexcross9371: I never knew you could choose wizard vault game modes. This changes everything.
zayawdon: awesome video as always
Asulutionator: i'm so lazy this gonna be my high effort gold farm list
Draconicrose: Sanctum of Nabkha my beloved! Worth noting that those chest have potential rare drops, including the music boxes (ok those aren't expensive) and the warbeast armor recipes. It's a lazy way to get these items! Eventually.
VulturHS: Doing a bit of work for money over and over again is what I would call a job.
stevethedevilnerd2360: I would also add the big astral chest on all SotO maps, takes 5min with griffon, and gets you around 20 to 40 ectos a day (depending on the salvagin luck)
kingsnk3139: I'm secretly in love with you, Lara. Don't worry, my girlfriend knows about it.
WormCultist: Banger video as always, Lara! Great job on the editing and humor in this one
anthonyhelm7094: Another great vid, Lara!
fenris3394: Thank you for another great video. Always fun.
matheusluvison1: Bonus: rifts on Janthir are giving writs of renown that you can use to INSTANTLY complete a heart. Just bank on some doing rifts and use them when the challenge shows up
Some combination of "Kill 5 veterans/compete a heart/dodge/combo skill" Usually they show up together. If you go to Thunderhead Peaks, the Priory heart gets completed (also) by killing veteran worms. Use a class where you can combo yourself, kill 5 worms and you do the whole daily in one go
Feb 21 2025