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The Hammer Rework Is Great For Revenant In Guild Wars 2

Halak014: Well well well... missed that the hammer was reworked... HAMMER TIME!
TheSimpleManLife: im glad i crafted juggernaut when EOD came out because hammer is probably the strongest weapon on most classes now
homage3: Hell yeah hammer time
CruxJP: Build? For wvw
RaptorJesus.: before the renegade rework i had a full zerker power renegade build that would drop the 2 damage summons on point and then hit it with hammer aoe and it was GODLY burst, one of the summons also spammed interrupts so anyone trying to health through it just got obliterated.
but its nice to see hammer has been touched up, i might need to give hammer another try!
KevenBel2142: Welcome back!
joshuaherring9674: Not gonna lie….. I’m not a Revenant player/fan, but when then Doom Music Hits…… makes me instantly wanna go Rev hammer
ChisholmCooke: If only you in WvW when HoT released. Hammer rev was the GOD. Mallyx/Jallis (Demon/Dwarf) stances for Resistence and Stability and damage mitigation. You could run zerk/scholar and POP people with hammer. You put 5 in a squad and you had the nastiest ranged spike.
AATproducer: Hi :)
I am currently only playing PvE and no PvP or WvW. I already saw this build on another channel and in the opionen of the creator he thinks that rev is now too strong because in the past, getting in ranger was the only counter to a rev. What do you think about this? is rev now too strong and should anet nerf him? Also I heard from people that they don't like the current meta where everyone is a glasscanon and everyone is getting oneshot. Do you think anet should change things?
bigmike9486: If only they changed juggernaut to throw juggernauts instead of shooting jugger nuts

Jun 24 2024

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