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Racing Meter Showcase Guild Wars 2 Blish HUD Guide

CyberDoedel: Thank you for making this video, fellow human. I, too, like Gen 3 bacon (I'm sorry Mrs. Luk).

Nitidus: Blish HUD makes so many things so much easier and adds a lot of stuff I wouldn't want to play without anymore. But it's (on average, at least) far less intrusive on the basic gameplay experience compared to WoW add-ons.

bridgetboyle687: does it do foot races? I'm still stuck on the spark race for Nevermore. I seem to get the movement wrong. I'm at 364 attempts.

skulpturostone4621: -Mom can we have a new NFD game?

- We have NFS at home, honey

SariatheFrostMage: The other day I was told to download Blish hud during a fractal. I now absolutely despise Blish hud because I was instantly reminded of WoW addons... We just had one guy who couldn't do the damn wisp puzzle. And this jerk wanted us to stop playing the game to download an addon to play the game... Without thinking about playing the game. I hope anet 180s their stance on addons because it's being recommended to new players, and optimizing the fun out of the game for them once they learn how powerful tools like this are.

Same with DPS meter. Get rid of it. Not needed.

Miyuki-Nayru: I am pleasantly surprise & appreciative to see that the track i build in mukluk's guild is still up today after all this time. Thank you for showing off the racing meter Mukluk!

kevlap017: Whoa this looks really fun! ANET should definitely improve the racing in this game, some of these features with slightly better racing rewards would be great.

22darthmaul22: Look ma, I'm famous! Also the winner of the b-roll race got a stack of butter and like 10g.

amiralighaforeyanrad885: Hi muk how you doing?how's your boy so I've been away from game like idk since end of dragons?and I am rusty and can't decide what to do or can't figure out what I was doing befor break

BlackWipeout: That is cheating….

Feb 17 2025

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