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New Weapons are INSANE! GW2 Janthir Wilds Spear Beta Review 2024

Petit_Potam: Messing around with Spear on all of the different professions was really fun, but kinda makes me wish all Spear autos had the melee/ranged switching mechanic. I feel like it would make Spear such a unique weapon for each profession, especially since it'll be tied to a Mastery (I think I'm remembering that right?). I don't particularly think it's necessary though, especially with how Elementalist mains have been begging for a new ranged weapon, but I still think it could've served as a nice new option for everyone. On another note, it's nice seeing how creative they've been getting with weapon kits recently, and I'd love to see them revisit some older weapons that could use a bit of freshening up (Staff on Elementalist and Thief comes to mind tbh, especially with how Spear seems to do their jobs better). Otherwise I'm very excited to play with Spear!!! So fun to finally be getting a brand new(-ish) weapon to wield and match to my character's aesthetic!
crackedcuore1989: after playing with spear on Ele it really makes me sad about staff, hope they rework it, or a majour overhaul of the weapon!
FaeMagic: It’s hard to tell ppl that ele spear was under powered. They didn’t believe me.
xoawolf: Guardian:
1) Auto attack should heal the guardian too. Many other weapons like mace on Guard, staff on both Druid, and Rev already have this effect. Not sure why it's not baked into the kit here.
2) I kinda feel like it coulda used a group aegis somewhere. I know that Guard already has alot of aegis, and the whole Anet favored child thing, yada yada, but cat's already outa the bag. It already has some group utility with condi cleanse, and some healing, just slap a bit of protection for a decent hybrid support.

1) Auto attack should have the melee/ranged hybrid swap that certain other classes got, like Ranger or Thief. It just fits more thematically with the class.
2) The 3rd skill is super counter intuitive. You launch a gust of wind AFTER you jump back. Currently if you try to use this skill at it's maximum range it will miss the target, because you leap back out of range of your target. I'd proposes they launch the wind at the start of the animation, so you properly push the target back, while also moving yourself back.
3) I know it's just how that specific type of move works, but I just really don't like the whole "requires a target" type moves in a game that otherwise allows you to free-cast most things. It just feels bad.
4) Make it 1200 range. Warrior already doesn't have the best ranged toolkit. Just give it to them.

1) This rev section I'm making here took me less time than a single use of any of the rev spear skill took to cast. For the love of all sanity... Speed. It. Up.
2) Give it 1200 range. Like the War, Revs already have a somewhat lackluster range kit, albeit hammer got a bit of a glow up.
3) Crushing Abys (the buff you get from 5th skill) is too low in duration (which I just saw you mention int he vid). Either make it refresh the duration of the buff, or increase the duration itself.
4) Agreed on adding more strike damage. Honestly I'm of the opinion that more hybrid weapons is a good thing, since it broadens playstyles and options for players, provided it's balanced of course.

1) Just make the auto attack actually hit more than 2 targets (currently only hits 1).
2) Again agreed, the spell circles need to have a bit more generous window. Cause it really only juusst barely gives you enough time to cast 3 skills before it fizzles out. In PvP, I can tell you that's a VERY easy thing to exploit against with a simple CC.

The rest of the classes didn't pique my interest enough to try out just yet, or I found them to be fine.
ouroboros02: ranger's spear graphically is ok (at least we are not warrior) but the kit itself is really lackluster since the stealth mechanics is really interesting but really annoying to interact with. We no longer have the rune of the trapper to have a bit of stealth on demand and skill 5 its kindda meh to rely on. Also, It doesn't have combo finishers to interact with smoke scale and have access to stealth mechanic more times since the CC is locked behind that mechanics.
akhsdenlew1861: warrior's spear having 0 boons and 0 condis on it pretty much makes sure that it will never see play unless if it's numbers are very problematic.
It's the definition of a badly made weapon.

Could've easily put bleed on auto, burn on 2 and Burn or something on 5 and F1.
Make it like a hybrid weapon.
OR AT LEAST give some boons to it.

Right now it has no purpose in any mode.... it's pretty much a worse rifle or something.
And rifle doesn't see play anyway.

I don't see the point if adding ANOTHER power only weapon to warrior with 0 boons and 0 condis.. PURE power.
GonzalezS777: I’m convinced anet hates warrior. Someone in their group got beat up by one or something and has and endless hate towards the class. 1200 range is so needed. Also the number 2 and 5 should be like ranger where no line of sight should be needed. You literally throw it up. Not only that it would be better to throw 2 at target selected not at aoe that one selects. It would be much faster.
bsboy773: Thank you for this vid! I played around a little bit with the spears, but its too much to test everything myself! So seeing something like this was great :D Lovely video as always, Kroof!
Lyoshiiro: Glad i wasn't the only one who thought ele's spear 5s need a longer duration.
jonolsen9170: The revenant spear pumps out massive corruption stacks, under quickness and alacrity, i got it to like 65 stacks, with proper rotation im sure it goes higher
wingedwolf9660: Thank you, so far you are one of the only people ive watched or talked to who gets my disappointment with the necro spear.

Jul 02 2024

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