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New Patch Changes, Upcoming Patch Details, More! Feb 11st Guild Wars 2 News

wuzzle5261: "Bear with me a moment" while looking for Janthir mats. Accidental Kodan.

charrmon: Eleven'st!? Unwatchable, unsubscribe, unfollow, reported.

christopherc5776: We need a clover node.

favillionbellarion9655: I do hope they raise the cap from 5 to 10 ppl for homesteads.

Sir_Scrumpalicious: I'm still surprised there isn't a Noxious Pod node available for the home instance. Given there is a node from all the other HoT maps except Dragon's Stand.

mcnudelchen2190: "ways to raise the homsteadcap" i see gemprices exploding

StagWithLag: "Hey bladesworn we hear you like grandmaster traits that are the same or useless. You're welcome" ANet.

Also I have to stop being invested in balance batches. They ask for feedback, but it seems still the same as the preview. I'd rather they just say here are the changes and use the time between to adjust

atwixtor: But what about legendary bacon patch notes?

Insig385: the new home nodes!!

jrovel07: I'm jumping up and down with happyness over adding jade bot things to all of the passes! Being able to have all of your crafting stations, bank, trader and being able to port to many maps from one point is the selling point on the passes. Having to port from Mistlock Sanctuary to Wizard's Tower to charge your jade bot or change modules, then back to Mistlock to port to where you want to go was time consuming! Also, 6 new nodes!

ChaiLatte13: Homestead cap being raised is really great news. It doesn't take long to hit it.

jeremysmith7176: Jade and Amber nodes from EoD would be wonderful

Djynni: I was very excited about the Homestead decorating until I realized that I was forced to start with a farm. I want to start with a blank slate. I know I can cover most stuff up, but I don't want to do all that work just to erase stuff.

AlaiaSkyhawk: For the 6 nodes I'd be guessing the Jade and the Petrified Amber (the trees from Echovald) as 2 of them, and then the 4 SotO currencies (Honey Flowers, Pine Logs, Titan amber and ore)

fenris3394: He of the fuzzy boots delivers the news! Tyvm Muk's...

Spookalypse: Now we can make our own Willy's Chocolate Experience in Tyria (not mistaken the event that took place in scotland).

themeltedchocolate: Its still ridiculous that we can't go back to our previous location using Crystal oasis lounge scroll like we can with mistlock or thousand seas

onlyXknives: they have failed to mention anything about PVP Push mode still, I'm disappointed.

brandonjohnson6250: February 11st huh?

cipidani: What a joke of patch as the "balance" team is.

tairevonkrolock3511: Ooh, some interesting things seem to be coming up. And 6 new nodes to collect, that is pretty cool!

ChaiLatte13: Thank you for these update videos!

spencers4121: I hope the new nodes, get added to the old home instance. But I doubt they will.

Suyihai0: RIP one-shot shotgun untamed in wvw, it was fun while it lasted

cibrig8719: Apologies if you've made one already, or showcased one, but do you have a guide you'd recommend for homestead stuff? Im only just now learning of their existence and am unsure where to begin

Cross_111: I love the new news and all

But what i am annoyed about is that they asked for feedback on the balance changes and they blandly ignored everything

Feb 16 2025

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