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Making Gold with the Lunar New Year in GW2 Everything you need to know!

SatoMalSoMalSo: don't forget that u can buy 3 in the guild hall too and trader's fortunate chest from weekly vendor are maybe also nice to sell on tp and not for gold but for legendaries maybe the glover is good aswell

012egis: I lost so much money last year gambling with this event, never again!! :DD

ediGoesPRO: Thanks for the update!!

MichalZurkowski: BTW, the lucky bags. Even if you sell the rare backs to the shop, and insta sell exotics, you are still getting more Gold than via the achievement. And it is muuuuuch faster.

SatoMalSoMalSo: and can you roughly estimate how much exotic Essence of Luck (exotic) I need to get the following legendary items: 2xAccessories, 2xRings, 12xArmor, 6xRunes, 4xSigils and I also need all the weapons (except the 2 daggers that I got and I don't need underwater weapons) not for the skins, but for convenience and sadly some sigils just trigger via swapping weapons...so I guess I also need 2 more daggers?

Gabku: Unless you have stacks of the luck saved up, you cant make gold off of this event. This is my first time playing this event cuz Im still kinda new, my base luck is not maxed yet so I was not saving any of them up, so I just bought 3500 green unidentified gear and almost 2 stacks of ecto to all salvage, ended up with about 30-40 gold LOSS..so no thanks this even can stay where it is, Im not touching it anymore

Feb 04 2025

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