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Lunar New Year Patch Day! Jan 28th Guild Wars 2 News

taa347: I wouldn't have known this event started without you. Thank you

kevlap017: with the tail from that festival and the dragon head mask from last year, you can now become more reptile than ever lmao

Chipz_The_Cat: Mukluk needs to be hired as an Asuran voice actor in any of the future expansions ~ !

JIMRbach193: Lol i was looking at the forums about some leggings. Top comment was " can we please have more pants. Not tassets skirts dresses butt flaps etc. Just some pants please! Apparently ArenaNet was like sure..we can do just pants.....but we putting a tail on it.

kevlap017: Reminder for new players: exotic luck essences are used for legendaries, using it all in the festival is NOT a good idea if you ever want to do the legendaries that need the essence

raptor8x: The charr's tail is covered by the snaketail breeches tail. No double tail!

heybates416: 3 Tails is the new Goal I didn't know I needed....

xeralexdragonheart3464: 3 tails as a charr!? Awesome! i can cosplay as the tauros pokemon then X3c!!

laytendurda: Become snekk

Ralesk: What they didn't update in the celestial challenge: a ton of the skills that don't target enemies, still target enemies (at least: dragon SAK, the mushroom collect event skill 2)

ToukaGontier: Billy the Vindicator can finally become a true Dragoon :o

NekoNeko88: where the tails coming from xD okay 1 min into the vid and i need a new coffee

BrazenNL: I really like your Get to the point

cameirusisu1024: I dont think char get a 3rd tail, the new item seems to sync location and animation with the char tail so you just get the new one.

pega7550: that snaketail leggings... it must mean a cat tail leggings is on the way, surely xD

Jartist234: Slytherin House should be happy this year. (BTW I'm a Ravenclaw)

RbDaP: wait, they gave us that dragon head and now tails... hmmm next expac Forgotten expac?

Cimarb: Wait, the tail is a pant skin?.... LAME

TheZebigboss: Muk, did you do a video on the nerfs/buffs for WvW?

Cloudman572: Extra 2weeks before the wizard vault reset is a bit of a blow - need reset for items for leggy spear crafting.

Thomazo17: What is that backpiece called? I want that skin!

PetrSUsername: That frame limiter is great. It took them a while, but great.

tribaldcon: watching this while waiting for the patch to download

YasaiTsume: Thanks for the update video as always MukkyMoo

Jan 30 2025

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