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Looking For A New MMO? 2 The Lands of Tyria are STUNNING! Guild Wars 2 in 2024

NikeGipple: GW2 is perfect for those who have other responsibilities or other video games to play, because it allows you to choose your goal and pursue it. If that is not respecting your time, I don't know what could be more.

Also, GW2 does not destroy your progress when you leave the game. What you have achieved is there waiting for you.

That's why as well as: to one of the most beautiful explorations ever, a collaborative openwold without necessarily having to party, a world alive with events and not static npc's, a combat system as fluid as never before in mmo's, a fair and not oppressive monetization of more of the same things, the best made mounts with different skills from each other and not skins with speed buffs.

I can go on but GW2 is unique and that is why like gw1 it will never die
FaeMagic: I think it’s funny how some people’s first questions is, “why’s everyone so hot?”

I had a friend try this game out a while back, and he couldn’t help but point out how all of the scarred faced were still aesthetically pleasing on the male characters.

Idk what to say! Arenanet’s going for that high fantasy glam! Gotta let the newbie’s know. You either be hot, or get got!
radandpaisley: GW2 and ESO are two of the only current MMOs that make exploration feel genuinely rewarding and worthwhile, rather than being a theme park.

I love world boss hunting in areas im out-leveled for and trying to track everyone down. Genuinely enjoyable time.
ChimpOnComputer: I've gone back to GW2 recently as well and I love it, got a Guardian and Ranger to 80, and am now on my way to unlock the Twilight legendary greatsword and grinding to get Griffon Mount.
ch.k.3377: GW1 and WoW classic players have one thing in common... they hold on to their nostalgia and are often very quickly disappointed if the successor does not fulfill it.
neverendlessgaming: You definitely read my mind or controlled remotely
cromo007: The problem with GW1's skill system was that it was very hard for the devs to balance the game for PvP. GW2 is much more balanced than GW1. And when u have unlocked Elite Specs u have a lot to discover with each weapons.
nightshade9840: It was really entertaining, listening to you enjoying Tyria for the first time. I have began my own adventure in GW2 a little more than 1 month ago and... it was a rough start.
I felt that way, because, believe it or not, I approached this game with the mindset of ESO/BDO/WoW player. Which was a huge mistake. GW2 is an entirely different game and everyone should try it with a clear mind. It took me a veeeeery good while to get used to it. But once I did - I completely fell in love with it.
And what is more important - GW2 respects your time. If you have job/kids/other RL stuff to do, the game and its content/progression/money for sub won't slip through your fingers. Even if you leave and come back few months later, your progress will still be there and remain relevant.
Looking forward to more of your videos! :)
Royal.Grand.Majesty: I personally always have GW2 as my secondary MMO while rotating between many of the Triple A Vertical Progression MMOs.
I feel GW2 is a great place to relax and play the game at your own pace. I play for the experiences that I have with other players.
I feel as I have gotten older, the concept of GW2 is becoming more and more appealing as the years go by and having more commitments out of the game leads to certain games where your gear and stats are constantly improved upon every patch becomes more of a chore than enjoyment. I prefer Horizontal Progression a-lot now, especially since I have branched out to many other Genres of gaming, I love the pick up and play formulae that most new games tend to focus on. Love it or hate it, GW2 is here to stay, especially for people who love the MMO concept, but rather than chasing a number every patch, we play for the experiences. In comparison to your typical vertical progression MMOs, every new patch you are focused on one thing, quickly acquiring the highest Item Level gear. Every quest, dungeon, raid, world quest you do, you are thinking of the gear, you are tunnel visioned on that one goal, while you are completely ignoring the new content in-front of you.
Even though GW2 has no gear progression, the ability to customize your build is quite amazing, sure if you want to maximize your DPS, there's only a handful of choices. You can choose to do harder content or stick with the more casual content. The beauty of GW2 is that you are rewarded for doing either. Now that the PvE Open World Legendary armor is released, players of all skill levels have access to the best gear in-game. Unlike in your typical Vertical Progression MMO where the best gear is locked behind difficult raids or pvp. Sure you can make counter arguments for each of these points, however what I'm trying to say is that GW2 gives all players an even playing field in terms of 'Power', the difference lies in your skill and dedication to the game, not some arbitrary number that is artificially increased every patch which leads players to be blinded to what's in-front of them.
jimmybjörklund-w9k: i dont remember that part of the story. maybe cuz im playing another race. there are alot more positive things about this game. i have never played a game like guild wars 2. this game is really for everyone and i mean EVERYONE!
bchararaad1870: Nice video! :)
Although you got the wrong idea about some game features, which is understandable as a new player. If you play further into the game, you will realize that a lot of the things you complained about actually align with what you want, you just got the wrong which is fine :)
I would encourage anyone to get into Gw2, give a the game a real chance, you won't get a clear picture until you're at level 80, that is because the game is literally HUGE.

Sep 24 2024

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