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June 22nd Janthir Spear Preview Broadcast Guild Wars 2 News

SpielmannsHerz: 2h reaction to a 1h40min video with increased speed and skipping parts, you love to see it :D
Drow0036: Elementalist are no longer a piano class; they are a large church pipe organ class.
ossianb5089: the ele visibility issue seems like an easy fix - you can just keep the cool looking outlines and graphics and remove the solid colour overlay - so it looks similar to guard symbols
dieselsandwich42: Ele to Deimos: "look at me, I'm the oil now."
manmataya: Piano ele?? Fergie might have said that's 2000 and late, we have evolved to church organ levels of eleing
methanbreather: it is not just 'want to be wizard'. Ele is the squishest class with the most complex rotations - and the worst outcome - and then forced into close combat.

Anet's choices in the past have been idiotic to put it mildly.

So yeah, there were many good reasons to want to have a ranged weapon. Especially since ANET gutted stuff a decade ago for no good reason at all.

I wish ANET would consider 'difficulty to play' in their dmg considerations. Necro, thief and especially mechanist have no right to do the dmg numbers they pull of.
korbendallas3247: Can you also suggest that they add an option to the game to show all weapons at all times? So when you play with weapon one, the second weapon is also shown on the character.
MunkeeBreath: I like the warrior spear balance of distance because it decentivizes enemies from running at us (our damage is bigger the closer they are) though we still use it primarily at range. It’s a cool balance but mostly for pvp sake. Pve yes the running back into the fight for stationary bosses is kinda strange and counterintuitive.
ozirus3344: Man they could’ve saved themselves some work if the Etching skill was shared across all 4 elements. Then depending on what mix of element skills you use in it the final explosion had different effects.
bilaliqbal4012: Pretty much most of the spears are very well designed IMO apart from Warrior. Warrior spear's may actually be powerful in terms of DPS but the design of it? Boring IMO. It needs like.. 1 more mechanic.
leftrom9738: This is Fashion Wars, who needs to see the ground (red circles, Deimos oil) with these fabulous ele symbols/etchings?

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