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I Tried DPS VIRTUOSO in Guild Wars 2 Thoughts

dfg12382: If you're rating Reaper as easier to learn while reaching higher DPS in a fraction of the time on Virt, I probably don't know what "easier to learn" means - plus it's only the Golem difficulty. This gets even way better in comparison in real fights where being full range all time is just a big advantage. This class is too easy for what it does and should be nerfed IMO.
joshflynn8605: Love me some cVirt! Nice overview.

Pro tip for anyone learning the rotation: a very important aspect is Not Delaying Your Weapon Swaps and Phantasms. The multi-hit attack that the phantasms perform stacks a bleed for every hit, making them the largest source of your damage by far.

To get specific: when you swap to focus, you want to hit 5 > signet > 5 then weapon swap again as soon as it's up. On sword, you want to hit 5 immediately after swapping to sword, wait until 5 is off cooldown and hit it again, then immediately swap back to focus. Minimizing the time between weapon swaps, while using both phantasms twice per swap, is the key to getting the most DPS possible out of the build.

You get into the groove pretty easily:
focus 5 > signet > focus 5 > [filler] > weapon swap
sword 5 > [filler] > sword 5 > weapon swap
and repeat.

Happy dagger-ing!
22darthmaul22: You can tell how old the recording is because he was able to actually use Bladesong Distortion.
pantheraleo2: I hope that one day traits will be rearranged such that the phantasm fury trait doesn't compete with the pistol bleeding trait, such that players could take both and pistol would replace sword offhand for one weapon set, since pistol is thematically more appropriate as a ranged and a condition weapon as opposed to the sword that is used in literally every power Mesmer build ever made.
TheEightTofu: Watch them nerf Engineers and Elementalists because of this video
demenion3521: i had to laugh so hard when you said f5 was a low prio skill. it's literally your second best skill in the entire kit after f2 xD
maybe more hints:
- virtuoso stocks blades by applying bleeding which you do by doing crits aka many hits. so your elite is only good damage, because it stocks a lot of blades. in other words: never use that when you have full blades, but right after a bladesong
- always start on sword, press 5 and immediately swap weapons. you waste a lot of time by just having more weapon skills available. that's the same thing on a lot of classes, but especially on cvirt even the sc guide says that the opener is just meant to put all your skills on cd as fast as possible.
- your signet of illusions is your lowest prio utility which you swap out first. in fact, pressing that button is almost negligible dps increase and even then, only if you know when to use it. for a normal player, you should never ever use that skill and instead use rain of swords, which is an instant cast aoe that just does damage
SerrisMerosi: muk, virtuoso came out 2 years ago with end of dragons.

this is flavour of the 2 last years, not flavour of the month
luca7675: In the end what makes virtuoso so strong is its insane cleave and the ability to upkeep dps even when moving around. This is why its so important for Febe CM. If the fight does not require that, a lot of other specs outshine virtuoso. Condi harbinger or willbender for example are a better condiDps choice on most normal encounters.
nielsjensen4185: More like the flavour of the year.
beneteus3833: remember you also convert 3% of outgoing condi dps into healing for yourself at the same time (so lets say 30k dps = 900 HP / s
vipr0359: It should be mentioned that swapping out utilities and the elite is a very minor dps loss. Tbh moa should be default on elite in endgame instanced content, since you need cc all the time.

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