MuklukYoutube: What an exceptional video. I cannot wait to react to this.
philipgriessel5315: He thinks the story will get him a flying mount, lol.
Shadehunter92: "story gets you flying mount" hoooo boy, no; first you'll have to finish LW4, THEN the collecting begins.... just as a leg up for you: keep 250 of each area currency of lw4 to get some components for the dragon.....and if you want both flyers, about 300g in total for both, teleport costs not included
jrovel07: Imagine a pvp game where 2 rangers meet and it's not that one has run a raid and gotten the weapon that' s the holy grail due to RNG, and how much their credit card poured into the cash shop, but their meeting is decided by their understanding of their skills, the build possibilities and how to play thier class. Every player makes a 'template" of weapons, gear build that all players have access to. It' s not who has the most recent DLC where overpowered gear wwas introduced to make players buy it, but just plain skill. What kind of game does that now a days???!!
boared7352: I would add convergences to this list of things to do if you own Secrets of the Obscure and/or Janthir Wilds. They are a 50 man instanced content.
CyberDoedel: Thank you for making this video, fellow human. I, too, like Gen 3 bacon
ReapTheWhirlwind: Map completion is paradise for a tourist.
The_Caracal: Sitting here super high, and just realized you have a masterful talent with metaphors. Not just making good ones, but integrating them perfectly on the fly with every point you make.
sasasale1157: That's the point dude. You don't invest 100k hours, you can play pvp when you hit like level 2, and enjoy it straight away learning your profession, etc. And there is no advantage/disadvantage of gear, just pure fun straight away. This is not open world pvp, it is instanced in 5v5 arenas. If your real gear mattered, then it would be unbalanced, but in GW2 that doesn't matter as ascended/legendary have the same stat values
ironaikau8236: you will need to gear up eventually if you want to do Fractals at least, cause of infusion slots.
sasasale1157: your approach to game reviews is too historical and sarcastic, you interrupt videos you are reacting to every 3 seconds and break up the image of the game your viewers are trying to get. It's anti-climactic, just like when you paused to google the "racist" document, spent time, found out nothing and during all that time...we could hear crickets :D
screemingnott: Yeah man, crafting in this game is nearly mandatory. I usually ignore crafting systems if the game allows you, but GW2 forced me to partake in crafting because you just get so much from it.
taa347: I didn't know Roze had another channel until just now. Thank god I can have more content
firestalker11: New roze video drops about gw2 its a good day
omegasrevenge: That video from Muk was released before even EoD dropped. That was 3 expacs ago.
FlowerBot: get beetle for map completion
siperog: "Story gets you a flying mount."
Alchemy help you, you'll be here for a GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD while trying to get that "story flying mount"
Jmvars: Crafting also gives a nice amount of XP so the best time to craft was actually before you hit level 80.
shogenx: i think it was cafinated dad that did a video showing how important the gear can be
screemingnott: One other thing that Muk didn't mention here is working on your first Elite Spec (a lot of new level 80s think just hitting level 80 is enough)
Staying as your Core Class for Fractals and Strikes is doable, but a lot of those game modes are balanced better for Elite specs.
If you want to progress the story chronologically while working on this, start from Living World Season 1, Season 2, and then the Heart of Thorns expac. Hero Point Nodes in Expac Maps give 10 AP each, so it will speed up your progress to max out your first Elite Spec (you need 250 AP in total)
1980Shadowwolf: Gearing up full ascended is very important if wish to take on high end fractals. There is this thing called agony and you need 150 agony to do t4s. Which is easy 20 g for 2 hrs work if you dont gear up your dailies will be t1s. Given ascended has slots to add agony to. Ideally full set including upgraded rings put in plus 9 agonies on your main.
shinokami007: i would say the most important thing in gw2 once lvl80 is reached, is opening the hero panel on the achievement section and setting a goal... (im sorry :p )
mindless grind of raids, fractals, dungeons, or any form of fights does not get you anywhere, it certainly is fun, and somewhat rewarding ...but also feels really shallow and meaningless (to me at least)
shakeweller: I call it now, the FOMO of lacking the convinience that other players have (masterys, mounts, ascended gear for fractals, the luxuary of swapping to different builds/classes etc.) will make him quit really fast. I started really enjoying GW2 when i hit 300 mastery points and skyscale, before that I was literally suffering in solo play and story grind.
MageSkeleton: 1. Zhed's, Nika's, and Devona's gear is basically your first introduction to max level gear purchasable (if your not F2P) from the TP. However, if your willing to do some WvW or PvP you can get stat selectable gear or even better, ascended gear.
2. Crafting is a main way to get your gear, note that default each character can have two crafting professions at a time. Crafting also allows you to make various Runes/Sigils where maybe you already have the materials versus purchasing it. Note that there are certain weapons you can get affordably from the TP, for example Deathwish (staff) and Usoku's Needle (dagger) are berserker stat weapons. However, there are berserker stat weapons such as the Ebonblade (Greatsword) and Maw of the Dawned (Axe) where your really better off crafting the weapon instead.
3. i recommend looking at a guide about getting ascended gear, as PvP is a commonly chosen source to get such gear, there are materials you will need to craft ascended gear that you can only make once a day.
4. There is this thing called a "Provisioner Token" and you will need these for making most legendaries and unlocking the Skyscale via SoTo. My favorite trade for a Provisioner Token is at the Black Citadel where you can trade an Obsidian Shard. A resource you will find you either have too many of, or always need more of.
5. This is just a "pro tip," i found making Ventari's ascended gear to be the most affordable to make as it requires a special resource you can only get from the silverwastes (my favorite place to farm gold) and Quartz Crystals. Which you can get by parking alts at a node in the PoF expansion map in the Crystal Oasis, though it's in a fairly hard to reach location you will need to fully upgraded rabbit to access. Players who aim to play F2P can access up to 19 quartz crystal a day (three randomly located nodes, and the node part of the skritt event) along with the home instance node which can give varying amounts with a chance of giving a charged quartz crystal.
6. if you haven't already, i recommend aiming to loot another players home instance/homestead for those additional lootz so you will have those resources (or at least an amount of) when you get to the applicable content.
7. Hope this was helpful, i know it looks like a wall of text.
TheRedGauntlet: I like map completion because of the keys
Feb 18 2025