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I feel So Stupid Not Knowing This About Guild Wars 2

NoxxiTheNoxxian: I'm happy my video gave you some insight for the late-game gearing! Again as others said too, don't worry about these while leveling. The video is less about "your strictly have to do this at lvl80" and is more about "these are the things you might not know about" and I'm glad you took it the latter way, because you are interested in learning. The balancing is hard for the Devs as well, since even they know that a casual/new player barely end up doing around 1-3k dps on average in any content, let it be open world/world bosses/instanced contents (like raids etc) and the "high end" players reach around 40-45k dps (as of current builds, since power creep is real, but by skill balances instead of gear like in other MMOs) so they understand well that the gap is HUGE.

To give a sort of understanding and context behind the video (warning, wall of text x): a huge huge part of the player-base (probably easily around 80-85%) plays without understanding the underlying systems of the game (some people have hundreds of hours into the game and they legit do not know they can dodge). A common good example is how boons are extremely essential, and honestly even in open world if you are solo, they help tremendously, yet people completely ignore them or have no clue about their workings. The long standing "issue" in the GW2 community is, that people who play like this one day go into Strikes or Raids or even Fractals (the high tier ones) and perform so badly that sometimes they get just simply kicked from the group without explaining much and then oftentimes they proceed to go whine on reddit (hence my reddit joke at the start) about how they got kicked by elitists again etc etc (they are a loud minority tho). This leaves a real sour taste in some people's mouth and they stop trying to play these "end game" contents despite them not really being too hard (at least absolutely not as hard as FF14 raids, with maybe a very few exceptions that I do not wish to spoil to you).

So this video is trying to be a push on the "oh wait, maybe I am possibly the problem, I didn't know any of this" and try to make people learn a bit about systems of the game. This is of course for people who wish to try and play end game content and not just leech it and get carried. Since if someone does not wish to improve they very very likely don't have ArcDPS installed (to see their performances) for example and will just think "man this boss was easy and fast!" while he ended up doing 2k dps. I'm speaking out of my own experiences as well, I mainly play HealScourge on my necro for Strikes etc, my DPS as healer is merely around 3k dps and I've seen "Hi dps" people (its a very common joke now among the community) do 1.2k dps under ME and the other heal boon person, and these people often think they perform well, because there is nothing in the game to tell them "hey, your contribution to this fight was less than 1%" and have a bit of an eye-opening moment.

If you do world bosses (the lvl 80 ones, not the low level ones like Shadow Behemoth etc), I will kid you not, the average top 3-7 people do the same damage/dps contribution to the world boss as the rest 40 people doing less than 1/10-15th of their damage and even that is mainly only because they happen to have some boons sprinkled on them that increases their damage. And obviously the main objective on a world boss is to... kill it. It is why "hard" meta world bosses seem hard for some people, because once you lose or don't have that literal top few contributing players with their legit top DPS, it all falls over and fails.
nielsjensen4185: You should never really worry about Runes and such as long as you're levelling since gear is far from static and those fuckers are expensive. Worry about them when your gear stabilises at level 80.
bosunbones.8815: Cool! Noxxi is mukluk's video editor and a guild member of mine!
Niaisbae: That video is actually correct. People are mad at hard open world, because most people have no idea how to play
cxmusicofficial: He’s using the auto-attack as a basic reference point. If you want to achieve extremely high DPS, you’ll need to keep all your key skills on cooldown, swap weapons, understand your abilities and rotations, etc. For meta builds and benchmarks, check out Snowcrows, where you’ll also find rotations and other useful info. DPS uptime is (or can be) crucial in Guild Wars 2, especially in endgame content. However, in easier content, you don’t need to sweat as much - unless you want to. It all depends on what you want to accomplish in the game. You can always play more casually if that’s your style.

That’s the great thing about Guild Wars 2 - you can play the way you want. Want to participate in high-end raids with a performance-focused static group or guild? You can. Wanna get into raids with a training group? Sure. Wanna raid more casually? Of course. Want to pump out high DPS with a top-tier build in open-world content? Go for it. Prefer a more casual approach? That works too. There’s always content that suits your playstyle. You’ll also find the right groups and guilds for you. There’s something for everyone.
ArkhBaegor: Accessories are actually the easiest ascended gear to get, you can get it from laurel merchants
MrDisphoric: Couple things to add
1. Gear while leveling doesn't matter. Put on the rare gear you get as you go and it's fine. Don't worry about proper gear till you hit 80.

2. Gear is less complex than it seems. 90% of builds use one of 3 gear sets and the ones that don't are builds for when you already understand the game anyway.

3. If people find rotations intimidating every class has LI (low intensity) builds that use 1-2 button presses and sometimes not even weaponswap. They've not top dps by any means but an easy place to start and do plenty of damage for starting group content. Mukluk has vids for them all.

4. Proper gear matters but understanding boon is HUGE. Like literally 20x your damage huge. Alacrity quickness in groups is like having bloodlust from wow up the whole fight.
Netum6am: I'm a mostly casual player. I did a raid twice few years ago. I did all strikes on normal mode but don't do them frequently. Majority of my time I play for the story, lore and open world content. And I believe this knowledge is very useful even to people who play only open world. The main reason is build crafting. If you're someone who does not want to just copy some meta build, you don't care about meta, you want to make your own decisions and just enjoy the game, this helps you to realize those crazy build ideas you have. Do you have a build idea based on some roleplaying elements, or lore flavor? Instead of having a shitty build that does 2-5k dps, this helps to have a "shitty" build that does 10k dps. Which sucks in a raid, but is absolutely enough for the open world content.
dranziken: I play Mechanist and I set my mech to handle everything while I paint my nails. I look great and I won the game, Arenanet is actually mailing me a trophy
ArkhBaegor: As other have said, don't worry about any of the gear stuff until you reach 80. One thing of note though, while full zerker stats (or equivalent for condi damage) is good for dps against a target dummy, not having any defensive stats means you are likely to die more often, and dying is the worst possible thing that can happen to your dps.

Sep 08 2024

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