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I cant do this anymore. 180 A Guild Wars 2 PvP Interlude

NoxxiTheNoxxian: Me: Haha, new Roze video

Also me: oh no
swampydoctor: Can't wait for him to discover WvW
MuklukYoutube: Roze: (talking about people having game knowledge and being smart)
Footage - showing one of the two times I played Guardian in PvP

Nobody tell him
duncanrobertson6472: One thing I have to disagree with - using tomes of knowledge isn't skipping the base game. Pvp is part of the base game, as is crafting, as is wvw. There's nothing sacred about the experience of leveling entirely through pve gameplay. You earned those tomes getting your shit kicked in, and there's nothing wrong with using them.
SabsUploads: I’ve had a terrible week. I needed this. Thanks bro
assikopp123: The spongebob pirate announcer part absolutely killed me. 10/10
sawmanUK: by far your best intro to date
einherjar4902: "Next one is the last one"
Wait what D:
ozirus3344: I’ve realized 2 things from the PvP Rush event. You either have projectile reflects in PvP to fuck people over. Or you’re the one shooting max range bullets to fuck people over.
MartinGreywolf: Oh hey, the combined Asura furries hit squad didn't get this guy after all!
HardcoreCasualGW2: My favorite GW2 content creator strikes again! Keep doing what you're doing, Roze. It's gold every time!

When it comes to PvP, you're not wrong that you're fighting an uphill battle against an established player base. An experienced player may be able to look at the map, assess the enemy team's strengths and weaknesses, and know exactly how they can exploit them. But obviously you don't. So, stick with your team. It won't always be the best play, but you have a better chance of contributing as a group than by blindly running around trying to guess where you can be effective. Even better if you play a support build as you can forget about the solo plays and just be wherever 2 or more of your teammates are. It doesn't mean you'll win every game or even every fight, but you have a better chance of making an impact that way, which should translate into climbing the ranks.

I did exactly this in my first PvP season years ago. I started out with my own homecooked build, doing much the same as you're doing. I placed gold 1 and after 50 games I hadn't moved up at all. Then I switched to a healer/support build and just stuck to my teammates like glue. Wherever there were 2 or more teammates, that's where I was, for better or worse. And it worked! I quickly climbed to platinum 1 and was within 1 win of plat 2 and top 250 three days before the end of the season. I ended up falling short and finished in low plat 1, but given how hopeless it seemed in the beginning I call that a win!

Maybe a similar strategy will work for you.
wuzzle5261: The fire alarm beeps are incredible trolling.

Jul 31 2024

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