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How Player Engagement Changes Guild Wars 2 With SilhouetteGaming1!

Snebzor: Teapot locked me in a room, zip-tied my hands, and forced me to type a comment with my nose.
luca7675: I honestly feel like the game is in a pretty good place right now. SOTO wasnt great but the balancing is good, almost all specs are viable, there is super hard content, there is medium content, there is easy content, there are like a billion different maps and events to farm, not bad at all imo. Specially with the new DLC coming up.
dantheredplayer3498: My favorite part of GW2 is that the content that was available 5 years ago is still there. I feel like with other MMO's... their vertical progression just kills the content there are even less than a year old. Great chat!
silimaurtelemnar9373: I just got to the point where you were talking about how much easier the game is... I think this is an interesting point because it absolutely has got easier BUT it is still significantly harder to understand / learn that some of the other popular MMOs.

I will use FFXIV as an example because I have played it recently. In that game I make a character, I like fire wizards so I make a blackmage.
1. I level up and as I do skills and traits are unlocked. I get the same ones as every other blackmage, no decision making or choices.
2. I get to the end of ARR (the original end game). There is one currency I can collect which I can use to buy my best in slot gear. There are no choices, there is one set of gear that has the stats for my class.
3. I am now the same as every other maxed out black mage at that level.
4. If I continue to level up and play the game into the later expansions, 10 levels later I do the same thing, no need to think or make choices. I just get the gear. Note, that his gets very marginally more complex at max level if you are tackling savage/ultimate but overall... not really.

In GW2 I make my ele. When I hit level 80 as a core ele there are already millions of gear, trait, skill combinations (do the maths, it is actually quite insane). There are so many mistakes I can make. So many things I might understand incorrectly. I have no idea as a new player what works or why or what combination. I also barely understand the boon system, how that interacts with my gear, traits or skills. Let alone which weapons to use and why etc.

It really is significantly more complicated when you come in blind. Now I am sure someone will come along and say, "yes but actually there are some obvious good choices and you can look up builds", sure. But that does not help the average new player who still does not understand why and the many of them that won't open a guide/build website, or who don't have the knowledge to make adjustments based on what they can actually get / unlock etc.

There is a lot more that can be said but I do think this is important to be aware of, I also like how you approach this!
SilhouetteGaming1: Hey Teapot,
Thanks again for having me on, it was nice to revisit this and actually remember what i said, you did a flattering job of trimming the fat of my ramblings. It was a surreal experience and im truely honored. Feel free to reach out any time if you want me back, and i'll try to convince my wife to let it happen haha.
raymo9197: Yay! Silhouette is on MightyTeapot! The man is finally being recognized for his hard work
slytherben: Cal balanced me out of the game. Homogenized balance fails because it’s not fun. I’ve been gone for almost two years
julianl4430: GW2 is too bloated and theres nothing for people who want endgame but have jobs and cant prog 20hrs per week. Its time for gw3
chady77077: Janthir Wilds should have laucnhed a earthworm mount as a new mount. Go underground etc.
nyappynen: There is very little reasons to play gw2 if you want to play something consistently. Two encounters a year is not enough if you already did legendaries, caught up with the story, masteries etc. The cadence is very slow and old encounters are not fun due to power creep, while new ones are atrocious HP sponges.
MisterNo1111: I am mid-core, still alive

Jun 21 2024

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