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How I Would Fix Guild Wars 2 PvP

matsug5704: As someone who HATES pvp, I would try the mode if those solutions were implemented!!
MerrStudio: I agree with the matchmaking part. The main reason I cannot get into this mode even though I'd really want to, especially because I was a competitive player my whole life in FPS games, is how boring it is to get absolutely destroyed like 80% of the time. There's nothing to "git gud" at, I don't even understand what are they doing to me since death recap is also very lacking.

Teammates just walk out solo to die in front of the spawn from a random Willbender or Mesmer and there's just nothing you can do.
Xynerorias: Having a strict matchmaking will maybe hurt the players on the high end of the ladder, but it has the potential to even benefit them in the long run : with new and lower elo players not getting absolutely stomped in most matches and actually fight opponents of their skill level, they will actually learn better, and may want to keep playing the game because it's fun for them (well for everyone). So they stick to playing PvP and slowly get better and better up to the point they join the people in diamond. Suddenly, there's not just 20 people in diamond hoping for a match but multiple hundreds and the waiting time is much lower. And players new to PvP get more attracted to it and the population keeps growing. So this is a very good idea, and while the current MM system is often done that way because of a low population, it ultimately slowly shrinks it even more.
ThiVasss: (Warning long post) PvP needs accessibility in learning first! This will make learning the game less painful and make people stay until they get decent at the game which is where the game starts getting really enjoyable, also resulting in healthier matchmaking. Those are MY proposed solutions

- INSPECT BUILD! Let people right click and inspect someones build, their runes/sigils/stat and traits as well as weapon and utility skills! The most painful side of PvP is "WTF just happened", "why was I immobilized for 3 years (inspect to see a druid and his immob build)", "why did I die by hitting myself (inspect and see confusion build on memser)", "I got CC for a CENTURY (hammer warrior maybe he only has a single stunbreak)" etc. This will make death timers filled with learning what the enemy does. Not by going to the wiki, not by having to play other builds but by checking in match what others can do. This is also the best way to memorize things. If you are going to inspect a warrior 20 times in a span of a week you will eventually remember what things do!

- Better death recap! Recap right now is bad. It needs to show the skill tooltips like logs do. They need to have a dedicated tab for CC skills!!! They need to show what skill did all that condi damage. They need to hide damage calculated when on downstate as it misleads the readings of the death recap (I think this is how it works, might be wrong) . Even veterans often get confused on what killed them at times.

-DUELS! Duels are a fun way to dip your toes into PvP even at level 5! It doesn't have to be balanced in PvE but having someone to test skills while leveling helps you understand your class and other classes. Duels in the open world might also be really fun to observe! Let peepos press their buttons at each other in an accessable (not guilds, not wvw, not pvp lobby) environment. Condi cleanse and stun breaks, condi corruption, even how torment and confusion works. Waiting for a world boss to appear? Have fun in a duel.
loofy530: Clearly the one major solution to fix most problems is to bring back underwater PvP.
Cold-Blooded-Jay: I played pvp in WoW for 12 years. Won't touch pvp in GW2. I've seen people play and not only is the skill ceiling absurdly high because you have to know all the classes, abilities, builds, attributes, equipment, counter-plays, maps, and animations, but just the minimum amount of skill and knowledge required to not get obliterated instantly is also very high.

If there was a way to play with other noobs and never see a skilled player until I had a grasp of everything, I would jump into pvp in a heartbeat. But I have no interest in getting killed so fast so often that I never have time to learn.
Notsram77: I tried PvP during the rush event, and it was the worst experience ive had in GW2.
ThePyramid21: i'd love to see role queue. because sometimes its either full dps or full support and in lower leagues like gold 2-3 people dont communicate much before match starts. that often leaves team with- u guessed it. 3 core guardians and 2 eles :)
TiroDvD: My fix for pvp is to try and treat it like Smash Brothers. you are there for fun and to mess around, not necessarily to win. I think regular updates to "Default/Suggested" builds would help a lot with that along with maybe a short description of what you are supposed to do with it kinda like the Profession and Trait descriptions. (Yes I'm aware that players do not read.)
jointhearmy555: What's wrong with pvp?
1. Matchmaking (only really affects ranked): Low pop games with duo queueing and profession matching is a recipe for disaster. You can't really fix the low pop issue, but you can remove duo queueing and remove the game's attempt to match professions.

2. Gameplay: We have disproportionate power creep out the ass (e.g., ranger mace/mace, warrior spear, etc.), and it only gets worse each new expansion. This results in the very bursty, one-shotting gameplay we see. It also results in immortality of some sidenode builds (e.g., spb) or absurd mobility (e.g., deadeye). Power needs to be reigned in across the board. A good start would be eliminating superspeed (or making swiftness stack similarly to might), add diminishing returns to hard and soft CC, reducing boon application uptime and healing of non-support builds (tone down the base healing and compensate with more healing power and concentration scaling; you could even add a concentration/healing power/toughness or vitality amulet for more support-oriented gearing), and cutting back the amount of gap closers and teleports.
Kartosael: I keep trying to get into PvP, but the issues listed here make me quit pretty quickly. The listes solutions sound good from a player perspective.
Luke-mb4rw: Problem: A ton of players don't want to play PvP/WvW but are forced to because of the reward track system, some of which don't even have other sources. (GoBs anyone?)

Solution: Add a reward track system for PvE (eg, trade 50 exp bar per track instead of gaining spirit shards). So people who go into PvP/WvW modes, are those who actually want to be there.

Sep 08 2024

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