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How I Play Guild Wars 2 Every Day Without Getting Bored or Burnt Out

StationOfbarny: Lara doesn't burn out, she burns everything around her

lilfroag4048: YO! The star wars meme was GREAT. shoutout to that

MissesOneTwo: Most of my time is spent aimlessly wandering around, participating in an event, enjoying the view, talking to random NPCs, playing music, helping other players, or trying to find hidden places. Just recently, I discovered a new area in the Harathi Hinterlands with my nearly 10k hours old Ranger! How could this ever get boring?

arianekunzli9903: You are one of my favorite creators in GW2. Thank you so much for your positivity and friendliness

ajons190: I have a wild variety of characters. One never fights (but reached lvl 80 without consumables). I have survivalists who I delete if they ever die. Another that has to stay in the opening area (level 57 and counting). Now one that stays in the homestead. One that stays underwater (and looks like a mermaid). I could go on. I'm never bored - and have gotten rich doing little things.

mathewherges397: I played GW1 for many years and then started GW2 when it came out. I got burned out after about 2 years of it and when friends stopped playing. After about 6 years I got back into it when I showed the jumping puzzles to my kids and they got hooked. I love playing with them.

kumwagen: hot take: people who give others shit for not playing optimally are just ashamed of how much time they put in and are still bad.

ambergriffin9492: I just started playing GW2 with my sister and we are having such a blast. We are learning all of the content together and it has been super hype. Your guides like this one has made me feel even more comfy in the game.

plaguetree6920: Having my WvW guild has become one of the most important communities I have. We joke, we support, we meme, we zerg. Probably would have stopped playing long ago without them.

thomastgnome6526: "The most important part of playing video games is just to have fun." That's my main goal in every game I play. If it's not fun, I drop it like it was a poisoned apple.(Tybalt taught me how to recognize when an apple has been poisoned, if you must know.) The GW2 characters I enjoy playing the most are the ones I've put more of a background to than what the game itself provides. Not every character needs to run thru the story and become "the Commander."

KaitieValentine: The friends thing is so freaking real! I stopped playing because my friend group got busy irl and had to stop and couldn’t find anyone else to hang out with

bobiboulon: I have phases: I'll play gw2 for months, then quit for a couple of months because there's nothing in the game I feel like doing. That's how it is, and I don't mind it.

Imaculata: With Lara's videos, we will never burn out either.

atreusduvelll600: What a great message in this video. I get myself really wrapped up in being "super productive" even if the thing I really want to do doesn't further my goals. Sometimes you just need to take a break from goals to not lose interest I think. Or do a small step towards your goal, but then go do something you really want to do :)

enrico_ganz: This is exactly what I do from day one, and I never get bored.

GW2 is still my quiet place where I can rest my mind

kajiai: Laranity, I appreciate how much joy and humility you bring to the game, your livestreams, and your videos! It is such a pleasure to know you are a part of this community.

e1ghthree: It's worth acknowledging that despite all these strategies it is still possible to burn out or get bored with the game. YMMV!

artsveiman7776: Its the subscription model which keeps me from playing other MMO games, but you are absolutely right about playing other games.

one game which I would love to see you stream, is playing in a DnD campaign.

At0micFruit: Great video Lara! I'm on a bit of a break from GW2 atm as spending some time with some other hobbies but you're absolutely right it's the perfect game to play casually and I know when I jump back in I will have a blast as always. Honestly I think the problem sometimes is people view GW2 the same way they perceive other MMOs or live service games where people might grind it every day, but honestly I love the fact you can be comfortable taking breaks from GW2 and come back when you want. Such a refreshing experience from say battle pass grinds or similar whereas with GW2 you can make your own goals.

aquaaurora2747: I’ve been playing with my husband since open beta, pve and wvw.. we miss pre wvw exp train days where the high was holding a tower the entire week and never letting it get flipped.

I had a goal to get to the shiny armor only found in achievement reward chests.. kinda never got another goal after hitting that one. I’ve worked on legendary armor slowly and have a few legendary weapons but they don’t give the same happy feeling.. probably because it guts my wallet and materials storage to finish it out each time.

idunno402: I started GW2 two years ago, quit at 80 with exotic gear when my guild owner just "gave" me exotic, when i had barely got my bearings on the game on core mesmer ( my starting class).

After getting HoT and PoF (and the aforementioned two year break), I came back and did a hero train and decided, against my best interest (and the wishes of the guide maker who said "not beginner friendly") to spec sword/sword greatsword power chrono. Trying to learn the 23 button long opener for instanced content like fractals has humbled me.

I enjoy the game, but i know ive been strung along by people that never really gave me space to chill and take my time learning.

Maybe for my second character ill do just that. Play at my own pace.

desel8737: year 1: got an average of 6,5h a day and did my first few leggy trinkets: vision aurora and that aurene amulet

year 2: started with an 5 month break.. was burned out

year 2 after the break: did ad infinitum, full obsidian leggy light and medium armor and one or two pieces of the heavy obsi armor and the fishstick leggy spear thingy in 6 months..

year 3: havnt played gw2 in months, but i guess it is time to finish that heavy armor, and the leggy rings and some more weapons and ..

zyrraxexe: I did Token Collector yesterday and still have the other Lw season 3 on my to do list. I had to pause the collection, I really felt burnt out that day

Nebarus: Sadly I think it does come down to the new content release format. Every new quarterly update (except the first) really only brings very little new content for experienced players. I have all 9 classes with engineer as my favorite and have found myself playing less after years of everyday login. I would like to see a new class and race to renew my lvling interest in the game. But GW2 is in my heart, and I will still be playing and watching great fellow players/streamers like this sweet lady :)

darky0012: But the beauty of GW2 is that you can just drop the game for a week, month, year, and pick it up right were you stopped.

felmlyd: Sometimes a feel like streamers are half entertainment half therapy for nerds.

Feb 01 2025

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