YanoshDanosh: i'ma be honest i dont want gw3. not yet atleast. been playing gw2 on and off for 8 years and i'm not ready to stop playing it yet.
manmataya: I'm okay with yearly xpacs, they are okay at most... but i wouldn't mind if xpacs were every 2 or 3 years IF the story was at the level of HoT or PoF
A.J.V.O131Havoc: IF there is ever a GW3 it should be a remaster of GW2 and that's enough to fix all the problems with people's complain about loosing all for moving to a "new" game and being able to add new future content. GW2 propertly optimized and ready for new content is what GW3 should be, no less no more
quelvix: It's doubt very much that ANET is going to give you the GW2 legendaries in GW3. At best it's going to be a decoration version of the item.
Cameron_David_: I kind of doubt it will be a new MMO as GW2 is still a viable product. Other then New World the only new MMOs are Korean pump and dumps where they sell super expensive early access packs and P2W cash shops to try and make a quick profit in the launch rush knowing full well the game will lose 90% of its population in under 6 months.
r1q852: i started playing gw2 8 years but barely playing it active because i am so clueless in the game dont know builds or anything what to do with mats i dont know what i need or look up for i am around 200 mastery level and never had group to play this game would be maybe cool game to play with friend who knows this game
burch8400: Just let us keep our character names would be good enough. GW3 needs to be a new MMO with a focus on Guild wars
YarnellCrew: I am ready for GW3 and I don't want it to have anything to do with GW2, unless it is like a small thing like the hall of monuments. But other then that make it it's own game.
rp4newbs284: I hate the idea of having to play another game to unlock anything. That's a huge turnoff to new players.
hjvdb6829: Ill keep playing gw2 but im looking forward to gw3
SiEO0702: Considering GW2 is a buggy mess, I have no confidence in GW3 to be any different.
pluggerizer: halls of monument was bad , rewards were mmmeh ....i hope they do a rework of gw2 instead of a totally new mmorpg, like an entire open world, a big up to pvp with gvg and hoh from gw1 , wvw with more than 600 players per maps ...i'm sure that will not be the case and be a new mmo with not a lot of content at start
cataddict6378: I love gw2 I would 100% leave it for gw3 if it’s a similar experience with improvements
MaTe-du2lw: Perfect i agree
Also name need be keepable.
jcoolverine3483: it will not fix almost anything. Lets be honest veteran players like you have that problem not new players that have all the content of gw2 to discover. I play this game from preorders and you know what ? I have different life now than I had before 13 years. I will not invest time in new game cause I don't have that much time now but I can spend some time to play the expansions. I believe there are many players like me in the game and if they create gw3 we will leave the game cause we wouldn't have that much time to spend to complete the new content. Personally that will be the end for me of guild wars. its a risk, they will lost many loyal veteran players if they will create gw3 and if they will do that the rest of veterans players and the new players will stay in gw3 or they will stop to play after a while and choose other game (so many games to choose nowadays). Remember the old veteran players aren't veterans anymore in gw3 its a new game and you are new again (that happens from gw1 to gw2). Why you think Blizzard don't create WoW2 ? They have money and huge studios. There are many reasons for that, think of them.
ChrissW528: Just add proper addon support , an engine / graphics overhaul and keep the game pretty similar.
With legendary armor, they're pretty much running out of carrots to incentivize people to play content also and idk how you fix that
Nebarus: GW2 is my favorite MMO. But they need to provide expansions with superior storytelling. When you can get through a quarterly update in 30 minutes content wise, it is hard to stay online. I also think we need new classes (huge effort from Anet) to keep people playing... I have all 9 classes at max level (not all favorites to play) and find myself redoing the entire, fantastic set of expansion stories on new characters... BUT, I have seen all this content before... And Anet, I already miss the dragons :)
JosephSaintClair: Agree with many others. Redo gw2 and make it like gw2.5 or something!!
Gw2 next xpac should go back into the older xpacs and even core and set up new things to do for the new xpac, as long as it doesn’t interfere with map complete and levelling!!
We have a lot of maps that diminishes map populations. Having reasons to go back means the old maps become more populated and not as dead. Eg. Nayos meta does not always have enough folks on map to jump in.
s1mn130: Guild Wars 3 will fail. They whole company is not the company anymore that it was like 20 110 or even 5 years ago. The devs, managers, directors and writers design the game in a way that i really dislike. Pvp was neglected. Wvw was neglected. Raiding and Dungeons and somewhat Fractals were neglected. The game is just a shadow of itself rn. They always had the chance to change up the game in a right way. But they always did the weird choices. My latest grudge... I bought Janthir. And wanted to play the new expansion... but I had to sit and listen for like 30 Minutes to some boring as dialogue.
Trim the fat. Make it more simple. The Story in Gw1 was good because it was simple. Rn it just talking talking talking.
tehlewlz: i really really hope they are going back to the roots of guildwars; prophecies, factions, nightfall and eye of the north, also bring back the OG classes like Monk, Ritualist, Assassin, Dervish and Paragon
kylequest: Pretty simple, there has to be progression roll over between GW2 and GW3. That what I've done over the past 12 years means something in GW3. Characters, names, guilds etc.
tehlewlz: anyone remember the level 1-10 arena in shing jea monastery? yeah that rocked hard
Webz-r4y: I’ve been thinking about how Guild Wars 3, if done right, could actually breathe new life into Guild Wars 2. Imagine leveraging the best parts of GW2—like its open-world events, WvW, and combat system—and enhancing them in a fresh world. It could reignite interest, bring back old players, and even attract a new audience, which would spill over into GW2 too. It doesn’t have to replace GW2 but could exist alongside it, complementing the experience.
suchthaufen888: If there would be a gw3 it should be gw2 but with polished graphics thats it, game's a blast
shinrie4989: GW3 needs a way so that your char can get stronger instead of staying stagnant. they need real dungeons and a brand-new balance team.
pedrocarromeu67: This Will mean i Will start from 0?
Jan 28 2025