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Guild Wars 2 What Do I Do After 80?

catasuetolire1424: be careful of making more characters, i had 3 characters at first, then i thought "i should get all 9 classes", long story short you end up with one class of every gender of each race
UnsignedRobin: The idea of you exploring Hearth of Thorns in private isn't so bad actually. But perhaps you can record the whole thing and upload the best moments?
AzureBeatPony: Something I recently discovered is that there is a WvW vendor that will sell stat selectable exotics for less than 1g and a few badges of honor (WvW currency). With the WvW rush going on, you can probably get everything you want for a fully geared character in half an hour or so.
Dbarnes0: Going through HoT with just glider and no mounts is an epic experience, flying mounts remove so much of the exploration of that expac
blahboy600: Great time to jump into World v World with the rush event going on. Otherwise I'm a big fractal enjoyer and starting the grind for ascended gear/agony resist is a great place to start. Really enjoying your journey so far and excited to see where you end up gravitating to
hrvojehorvat3975: One advice that helped me ALOT do the dailies and weeklies and whatever you can for the ''Wizards Vault'' and in there every month you can buy 4 ascended gear parts and 1 weapon part :D helpes a ton with the ''gear'' even though that as the system is so intricate and at times gear doesn't matter, it does matter also in the other way :D so yeah 4 gear parts and 1 weapon part ^^ you'll welcome me if you did not know about that :D
TheXephyr33: The beauty of GW2 is that it allows you to play exactly the way YOU want to play. Don't let anyone tell you the way you're playing is the wrong way to do it. The game allows you to skip straight to the newest expansion if that's what you want to do, or you can begin the game, finish the tutorial, and jump into pvp at lvl2, that's totally valid as well. I like to say this game is a person with ADHD's ultimate playground, because you can jump around to whatever type of content you want to, spend 20min there, and then go do something else.
NazgNurglych: About story in MMOs, GW2 in particular. I see people call GW2 story-driven game. IMO it is not. If you are not just replaying the whole story over and over, it takes miniscule amount of time to complete, compared to the rest of your activities in the game. For me story is less than 1% of the game. That's why I personally never think of it as important or even worth doing over something else.
kereminde: "What do I do after I hit level 80?"
"Whatever you want, and can."

Just a few things
- Map completion.
- Poking around achievements and doing ones which look interesting. (EXCEPT DIVE MASTER.)
- Check out the mini dungeons and jumping puzzles.
- Kill a dragon.
- Kill another dragon.
- Mock Logan Thackeray.
- Violent exfoliation of Maguuma.
- Praise Joko.
- Work crafting to reach Ascended gear.
- Discover karka.
- Pay respects to the Goremonger.
- Prepare yourself for Halloween. (This comment posted on 9/25)
ErgoProxy12345: if you make a legendary, you will inevitably say "Never again!"... then you do it again, and again, and again. Everytime is supposed to be the last one.

also, now with the wizard vault, you basically have half a legendary in a box every few months (feels like cheating). But i would highly suggest making at least 1 the legit way from scratch. Gen 1 legendaries have fun achievments to do that make you learn about a facet of the world of GW2 which represents your ultimate weapon. For example, for the Howler, i had to turn into a wolf and hunt down all the critters of the world that normally have no other purpose (bunnies, birds, frogs, etc.)
sl5945: Legendary crafting gets easier / faster after the first one (because you will have learned how to make gold / gather crafting materials better, and you also learn to just let them come to you over time rather than hardcore grinding for it - you'll just be playing the game and one day decide to check your progress on gw2efficiency and realize you're only 100g away from that next piece, and would you look at that you just so happen to have some excess materials you can sell to make that 100g by tomorrow) which is why I really recommend every new player hard focuses on the Season of the Dragon free legendary amulet. It breaks that mental barrier for them.

Sep 28 2024

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