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Guild Wars 2 PVP Looks Amazing

icata12345: There is a new gamemode releasing for PVP aimed for newer players, i hope that will revive the scene slightly.
ZianaSue: Roze makes cool videos.
My opinion of GW2 level boosting:
Level up 1 character the legit non-boosted way. Then all future characters can be boosted.
- With the belief that a player should, by the time they reach max level on a legit non-boosted character, know how to play the game and be very good at keeping themselves alive in challenging solo story instanced content and open world scenarios. And be able to use and replicate that knowledge on different professions (I am still working on this part).
- Side note: There are some professions in the game (that I level boosted) that have overwhelmed me to the point that I won't play them again because just looking at them makes my head hurt (guardian, warrior, elementalist). I regret level boosting those professions.
MrDisphoric: On the note of boost vs not boost:

Everyone should take their time and level their first character naturally. After that, by all means boost away! However I would advise never BUYING a boost. You will get a couple boosts with the xpacs, and after playing for awhile you can get a bunch of tomes of knowledge which grant a level each. Those are both easy ways to boost without wasting money buying the boost from the shop. Also maxing a few crafting professions with level a character to max so a fresh alt can hit 80 without leaving the crafting area if you got enough mats on your main.

All that said, you may still want to level some characters. Legendary weapons require a gift of exploration to craft which is acquired by doing 100% map completion of core maps. If you need to do the whole core world you might as well level while doing it.
icata12345: Roze maakes bangers, love that guy!
frustratedsquirrel: ok no like, hear me out. you THINK Guild wars 2 PVP will be epic and cool and interesting, but what's really going to happen is that a mesmer or something will teleport into you, then run behind your character model, causing your targeted skill to cancel and go on partial cooldown because of the camera lock, and then you'll take 12stacks of 20 seconds of bleed, confusion and torment from something you can't see, and then you'll pass away from Ligma irl. That's the real Gw2 PVP experience in a nutshell.
KalSpiro: I 100% support boosting a character to 80. It doesn't stop you from learning your character, it just gives you access to all the options your character is capable of. It doesn't stop you from doing any of the content because your max level is defined by where you are not what level you are. You are just opening all content, not limiting yourself.
SaraphL: Sorry for being that guy, but the phrase is "pique my interest". It's a French word. Great title for grammar nazis though, I have to admit!
battlebots1: I LOVE gw2 pvp. As you know, the combat is awesome, but because of that, there can be a TON of skill expression in many different ways. From a competitive mindset, that's great; however, it means that against good players, it can feel absolutely hopeless. For some beginners, it can feel absolutely hopeless even against average players. There's a steep learning curve, and even hundreds of hours in, I feel like there's an endless amount still left to learn and improve, which I love.
But I always warn players new to pvp to be prepared to get beat pretty badly while you're learning.
I've seen some complain about toxicity in pvp, which scares off a lot of players. It definitely exists, as it does in all games, but tbh I don't see it personally very often, and less often than in other games I play. 90% of the time nobody talks in chat, and less than half the time it's toxicity when they do - in my personal experience.
They are alpha testing a new game mode, Push (same as Push in OW2) next week. It's meant to be a casual game mode that focuses on team fighting more than objective rotations to help ease players into pvp, sort of like ARAM in league of legends. Might be a good time to try it out!
kirvu9677: Longtime veteran here of over 14,000 hours. Glad you're having fun dude!
ginster458: RE: Boosting and learning curve:I think it IS worthwhile to take your time and level the classic way and play the story start to finish- for your first character. Sure, the story is mediocre at best at first but it gets so much better and it's the best way to immerse yourself into the lore-dense world of Tyria. Also, on your first character, you're not just learning your class, but the game too, so it's better to take it slow and do it bit by bit. But once you hit the first expac, and maybe some fractals and do some group content, your grasp of the game is probably firm enough you can easily boost characters. Sure, you will cold-dive into a new class, but realistically, it doesn't matter anyhow! Nobody uses core-specs past 80 since they're so much weaker and the elite specs usually fundamentally change how to play the class anyway, it's enough to read or watch a quick guide. Like for Necro, all you really need to know is how the shroud works, which can be explained in two sentences, and then you don't even need that for Harbinger, cause it works differently there.
I've been playing since lauch and main mesmer, I've recently bought a new account to do my own zero to hero like Teapot, and let me tell you, core mesmer plays SO differently than endgame mesmer. It's a slog to play, but endgame mesmer is so much fun. I'm maining a guardian now, which I haven't leveld on my main account, I boosted and made a firebrand for endgame content, and I learned that just fine. Playing a guardian without especs is an entirely different thing.
So yeah, do it the first time since it's about more than learning a class, after that, boost away, cause otherwise you're more likely to abandon the class/character.

Sep 14 2024

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