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Guild Wars 2 New Expansion The Janthir Wilds Announced!! Trailer Player Housing Raids Return!

jibs3706: If you look at the homestead screenshot on the blogpost, we can also see what looks like a stable next to the house. How amazing would it be to have our mounts just chilling there, showing off their skins while we're home ? I think that would be the perfect place to do so and it would be a really cool feature!
tkorful: I love the logo being a spearhead, as well!
niclastname: I'm curious how deep the housing/decoration is going to be, because people have been sharing a tweet by an ex The Sims 4 dev who is now apparently at ANet and worked on the homestead content.
MrPeteJahn: I'm hoping for bookshelves. I have a character whose entire inventory is just books I've collected in various quests, locations or used in creating legendaries. It would be cool to have shelves to store them, plus a trash can for the Snargle books. More seriously, it would be nice to have an Asura gate that can take us to major cities, the Mists, WvW maps, the PvP lobbies, etc. Finally, a trinket that can take us to our homestead, then back to the map we were on.
niclastname: Wait, do you guys think "legendary backpack" means inventory bags? I assumed it meant backpiece. I didn't even think about the fact that it could mean inventory bags until WP said it. That would be very interesting.
Valdrath: Regarding the new PvP mode, Grouch was in chat on some streams saying they were aware of what happened to Stronghold and the idea of releasing it as a beta first was specifically to prevent it from becoming Stronghold 2.0. I guess time will tell if it works.
GetReide: can't wait for Wilds of Janthir!
Ironcaster: Brown bear Kodan is an addition i hadnt considered seeing.
MisterMNX: Back on playing GW2 and of course back to listening good old WP!
Sealreth: I really hope at somepoint we can have our alt characters physically in our homesteads!
timothyberry-porter9499: The blue structure/silhouette looks like the tip of a spear to me.
xuzhang9580: For the story, the official purchase page for Janthir Wilds has a screenshot which I think is this new Tyria alliance, with Isgarren in the middle and other leaders in the background.
So first Queen Jenna and Countess Anise are there, and judging from Anise's dialogue in the trailer, I think the story will start with this meeting of the new Tyria alliance, and Isgarren will point us to the Janthir Wilds for some reason. My guess is that some otherworldly activities have been detected in that area, possibly related to the Titans and the Eye of Janthir since it appeared in the lastest story patch. To back this theory up, there's an event in Amnytas that mentions non-Kryptis activity near Janthir happening recently.
The screenshot also shows several other leaders. There's Ludo from the arcane council, a tengu (I think it's Ayumi from EoD?) and Skarti (the eldest son of Knut). In particular we see Braham behind Skarti, which have me thinking about what role the norn will play in this expac. Maybe this expac will talk about the connection between Kodan and Norn, or maybe they just put Braham in to catch up with us or something :P
From a book in SotO we know that between 1000 and 1100 AE, Mabon went to the Isle of Janthir to set up a ward for reasons only known to the Court. Maybe it's because that Janthir is a place where the veil between Tyria and the Mist is particularly thin like Bastion of the Penitent. The same book also suggests that the Titan comes from outside the Veil (which is true since in Gw1 they came from FoFC in DoA), so maybe the Titans are evading Tyria from Janthir.
Beyond these, I'm definitely expecting to see more Waiting Sorrow story explained. Though this may be against the self-contained nature of mini-expac, they just put in a fractal about the Wizard's Tower that any new player getting into fractals will understand nothing about. So maybe caution has been thrown and they can talk about past expacs in side quests freely.
AND, I want to see more Bastion of the Penitent link in this expac due to its tie to the Eye of Janthir and Mursaat. I was expecting to be able to explore the Mursaat city mentioned in Saul's story, but then I realized that the city was probably in the Woodland Cascade rather than Janthir :P Anyway, more on the mystery of why time seemed to have stopped in Bastion of the Penitent and what role the Eye played there will definitely be interesting.
Sorry for the wall of text :P I always get excited when talking about lore and story. SotO opened with some cool worldbuilding stuff but ended poorly, let's hope it gets better this time!
peterdreck8446: this expansion announcement is huuuge o.O

I was already happy with Soto considering its price and flaws and everything. They clearly were able to learn from their first mini expac and did streamline and refine their workflows.
sinahsatoda1781: Why is nobody discussing that the charr in the trailer is Ash Legion Imperator, Malice Swordshadow? Everyone is noticing Anise, who featured in a small hint during SOTO epilogue chapter, but what is Malice doing there at all?? Are we going to meet her at Drizzlewood to go forward to Janthir delta?
I wonder what the new PvP mode is going to be. Is it going to be small-scale battles like 10-man squads? or is it going to be just duels, 1v1?
Will you be able to unlock new scribe recipies for the homestead or will it be all vendor purchases? In the screenshot I see 6 garden plots when right now we can have 3. Is it going to be used for all the plant gathering nodes we've unlocked for our HI so far or are we getting more garden plots for our own gardening efforts?
DemanaJaire: I came back to playing the game after a 3-year break (!) 4 days ago. I was shocked yesterday when I learnt about the new mini expansion. I think more frequent and smaller expansions will be a great way to make the players keep playing.
zeromaniac5210: i think this post earned a lot of good will after soto since they are actually learning from their mistakes.
Soto launch didn't have a new combat feature but this time the new weapon is going to be available on launch.
The strikes difficulties were all over the place and open world metas were bad in soto. So them making a 50 man open world raid in place of 1/3 of a map and having that raid have 4 difficulties level (50,10,CM,LM)is such a great way to solve both of those issues while giving them time to work on the 3rd map.
The new pvp update was unexpected but it really sells their goal of wanting to give all game modes love and with Grouch personally saying that it wouldn't be like conquest, i have some hope that they will actually take feedback this time around but we will have to see.
SiEO0702: I absolutely love the fact that we are not immediately hit by yet another "Save the world from this big bad guy". This got old years ago and I'm hyped for the new content and features mentioned.
AlcaHolicGamer: finally a feature that may be what makes me come back more consistently, been on and off since HoT with years between so I'm looking forward to getting into the player housing

Jun 11 2024

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