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Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds exclusive Homestead reveal

druidicleo: I'm so glad that everything carries over like nodes etc and the auto collect button too is crazy!
skieochre3745: Way more features than expected! You can show off everything!
mateusznawrot8941: Okey this is actually such a sick approach to housing.
Immune15: Wow this is even better than I thought it would be. Well done ArenaNet.
napoleon23232: Looks great so far! :) Hanging out with your other characters is a very nice touch. :)
mangoman93: Yes, this looks aweseom! I can finally make an actual legendary armory I can show off. Now they only need to add a bookshelf for my Snargle Goldclaw collection and it will be perfect.
Sign me TF up!
trixx_the_badger: That's way better than what I expected. Nice
KacperSuhako: People excepted small plot with a place for home and we got huge bay area with a massive amount of features. ANet knows what "Gameplay first" means. First mounts and now this.
TzahrDavidsson: Thanks Phil! Always love your reporting on GW2, can tell you're an actual player. This looks great!
Wishcraftian: If you can create structures from individual parts, then it sounds like you can make your own jumping puzzles
raptoraurion: Best housing system in the MMO market
joshuahng1: the editor to deco is amazing, really endless posibilities, self statue super too
michram: I LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait!
Also that music piece that is playing is so, so pretty! I love the "Fear not this night" motif incorported in it :D
dango4ever719: Anet just destroyed every other mmo’s home system. Awesome job yall!
DocM94: Between how amazing spears where and now this, Jhantir Wilds is shaping up to be a fantastic expansion!

Jun 26 2024

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