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Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds All Professions Spear Skills Preview Stream

PinkiePink464: Necro looks straight Cracked yo
ATinyLegoBlock: Warrior looks so bland and tasteless lol
coffeeScryer: My excitement for land spears has died, but hopefully they'll be refined into interesting & useful weapons ^^
ocean_bat: Super hype for warrior spear. Lots of aoe, good cc, no damage drop off on auto, multi hit tracking attack, and evade.

It's going to feel so good to use with forceful great sword and might makes right. Each multi hit attack that crits is about 100 healing, and almost all of the attacks are multi hit. Just auto attacking in melee range is going to be 500 hps.
davidmorris2234: Just started watching, but after just two professions explained, it's clear that the spear will be practically the only weapon everyone will be using once the next expansion drops. It's the same strategy that Anet uses to sell every expansion, by making the new weapon, or elite spec OP, so everyone has the choice to buy the expansion, or be left behind with less powerful builds. I know they have to incentivize purchases, but I really wish they would balance ALL WEAPONS, so that players could make infinite build choices and really make the game interesting, and not so "Meta" build controlled. Sure, they could still make the new weapon just slightly better than every other weapon, but the way the game is now, certain weapons are a joke, and anyone using them in group instanced play, would be trolling the rest of the party or squad. IMO, no weapon should be more than 5% more powerful than the weakest weapon that same profession can wield, unless there is some fantastic utility a certain weapon provides, then maybe you can justify dropping its damage output by 7% of the highest DPS weapon. That is how balance should work! Anet could start by equalizing all auto attacks to provide this 5% threshold for every weapon in the game. Either that, or please explain what your balance philosophy is for the game, and how the team comes up with the damage numbers and coefficients for every weapon, because right now, none of it seems to make any sense, other than the fact that new weapons are always going to be the best, to promote the purchase of each expansion.
amethystcloud8515: Karl is off getting his cool Warrior ideas accepted by a studio that actually likes them, probably.
JohnPaulRojas: The warrior spear 3 makes you an airbender
bokan800: They really killed it with spears.
Theuubestofbuus: Thief spear

Jun 29 2024

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