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Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds

aleksandrzhilkin826: Love the vibes in this announcement/teaser. Feels much better than just few snippets of gameplay and features screen. Hope ANet will keep it up throughout the whole expansion

VentusXtm: That raid/convergence will be looong AF, if it's stoic alder telling the story lmao

hilanddoug: That you can get the basic edition for 25 bucks in today's economy is probably the best entertainment value you're going to find.

orddan: That legendary spear is magnificent

daekieisms: Can you believe it, guys? Wing 8, just a week away. Wing 8 is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Wing 8! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Wing 8! Just in a week! It got here so fast! Wing 8! Just a week away!

raheruheru: I'm an environment/pve lover, and to see Anet force us to climb a mountain full of wonders is exactly why love Gw2. Other games would make this mountain a boring dungeon; Gw2 makes a whole world out of it, in the same vein that Dark Souls/Elden Ring does with its locations.

Continue to embrace unique and exciting environments and you'll always be the true mmo Gw2!

PS. Cool legendary spear design, goes well with the aesthetics in Janthir WIlds; looking forward to seeing the aura/effect on it.

ainfajofaf8118: The Janthir Wilds soundtrack goes so hard

SteveMND: I REALLY hope they reorganize the Homestead Crafting windows so it operates like all the others, with recipes separated out type first, and then journeyman/expert/master/etc. within each of those. I mean, they already had those categories defined when you bought the recipes to begin with, so I have no idea why they didn't just organize them like all the crafting skills.

Oh, that, and getting us a PREVIEW of what each crafted piece will look like, for heaven’s sake.

TruckahStanley: Just getting back into the game. Last time I played was before first expansion. Very excited with how much I have access to.

dackeyris: Really hope we gonna have those new OSTs released !

Soto was a real shame in this regard

DuayYT: The adventure continues! I'm so excited!

odin13th76: Im not climbing no mountain, i have a skyscale to fly me up it lol.

JamzP14: So we now have our own Wandering Minstrel

josephprins1258: I can't explain it but this game captures and maintains that exact same awe and wonder I had when I first played vanilla wow all those years ago.

Nov 15 2024

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