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Guild Wars 2 Has An Embedding Problem...

MightyTeapot: I embedded this video lmao haha
erika5763: I've never realised GuildJen has embedded streams at the bottom, wow, and not just one, TWO playing simultaneously. I've kept the website open for days at a time when I have a guide or build guide open on a 2nd monitor, this is some shady stuff.
Snebzor: This is the most based video I've ever seen.
foshizzle563: Didn't notice that about the Guild Jen website they embedded the streams at the very bottom of the page lmao so easy to be looked over. Also that website is super slow loading its horrendous honestly.
Geronmy: I would never understand people that see something objectively wrong and just comment ''Who cares'' or ''They need to make their money so it's ok''. Seen these types of comments under not only this vid but also the one breaking data on how black lion chests are a scam because Anet's straight up puts false drop chances on them. It's kinda sad.
GeminiKLY: I think it’s fine as long as content creators are transparent about it. Using the website or watching twitch is free after all. But a website should make it easily visible to the viewer that there is an embed active, especially if it’s on autoplay.
ItsEngal: Yeah its been obvious on Vallun’s stream for years, 600-800 viewers with completely dead chat
omegakite: all these comments saying its fine to do that lmao XD. if Hardstuck,SC,Metabattle starts doing it its joever for every new streamer there is no way u can compete without getting partnered with these sites. so yeah its a problem but biggest issue is twitch they should keep embed but shouldn't count embed viewers as viewers
erapago: The Darens becoming a drama shitlord arc is something to see.
GrubySzymek: Gw2 content creators tearing each others throats. What a wonderful timeline it is.

Btw embedding or not, building twitch career on gw2 is lost cause and noone trying streaming seriously should waste their time on that game.
trent7092: The jealousy and misinformation being spread by you and Nike is embarrassing lol. Atleast I know never to take anything you say or post seriously. I love knowing who to avoid and you and Nike are definitely to avoid.
TheWolfLucifersAngel: I think is fair, after all making a website is a job
3renegade3: I really enjoy both Mukluk and Vallun's content on Youtube, but don't use Twitch much. Kinda disappointing to see them gaming the system like that tbh.
refreshazure: Brave you to talk about this when i return to twitch this year i new it got so bad it just shameful to feel you have to be embedding im fine with being a nobody im not going cheat my way up im going work for it
bobby69-420: The only thing GuildJen should do is put the embeds towards the top of the website. Otherwise I feel like this is just more crying about Vallun and GuildJen which is everyone's favorite pastime apparently. Btw title is clickbait because this is a problem for some
clowniefart: yeah the bandwidth thing is crazy, ive always had to close all my guide pages if im going into pvp
MrBeave3: Honestly there isnt GW2 streamer is popular enough for this to matter in the case of viewer count, and also, you should never keep tabs open if you aren't actively using them. I feel like this is just trying to create drama and then to farm that drama. Just my opinion.
Caelum: Sensationalist drama without any real understanding of how Twitch viewership actually works or whether the individuals accused of embedding are even aware their streams are being used in this fashion. Might as well be a 'reaction' stream, the outrage here is hypocritical at best. Are you reaching out to these streamers to make them aware you are monetizing their content? Or is the choice just to slander them without verifying their relationship with embedded sites? You've gotten ahead of yourself, maybe do some more research next time.
lorkano: While I agree that some kinds of embedding is bad (fully hidden page elements or placed in the obscure way to not get noticed) I think embedding like Mukluk did on his page (top of it) is alright.
Although his % coming from embeds is insane.
ThyWeepingWillow: ty for calling out this topic. i am def disappointed in the behaviours of them. and they arent streamers i dislike but bad faith acts are bad faith acts, and to me. even if its small scale, they still participate in it
ChaosFoxy: Oh we're trying to stand up for the little-guy streamers? That's cool. You know what doesn't help smaller streamers? A bigger name in the community making a 1 hour video and trash talking small/new streamers. So now we go after Mukluk, a generally PG dude who doesn't get themselves banned from partner programs for various racial slurs or general troll-asshattery. Sure. That makes sense, lets do this! Wow... the reach is real.. and getting another guy whos name isn't as muddy (yet) to make the video? Nike is good at playing people for sure.

Muk isn't Fextralife and ANYONE equating him to that is nonsense. Got a problem with GuildJen's site and the way it embeds? Go talk to her. There is no big conspiracy nor some insidious plot. The only thing I see is someone NOT confronting the streamers and going by someone elses' word because they haven't discovered their just a useful tool for the actual tool. Don't do this. You're using someone elses content to try and get drama views. And look its works in the very short term, but that legit makes it just as bad as the 'embedding' drama you're trying to stoke here.

In hindsight Muk should of just avoided GuildJen because there is too much baggage around her and Vallun. Teapot and his merry little boys tho definitely need to check themselves a bit too.
Wistz90: You could have (and should have) contacted Mukluk first. I'll never subscribe to anyone that views manufacturing drama & outrage as a means of self-promotion. This isn't content this is just letting someone manipulate you into being their fall guy.
dimitarivanov8864: Didn't twitch do something about it after the FextraLife drama? Still scummy, was wondering why that guy and Muk get so many viewers no matter what they play

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