peterrauff9772: 27k Achievement points and still need to complete Shiver peak :O
But thank you for the guide :D
IsabellaPanini: Thanks Johny! Always doing all the tests and math and such so we don't have to!
x-kon9672: Thanks for the "Luck" info!
buckdinero619: Thank you Johny, these guides really help us determine how to focus our efforts.
danmolina2724: Thanks very concise guide - I had no idea how this all really worked now im much more informed
willdeit6057: Thank you Johnny
AniitaLOV3: hii thnx for the video!
I have a question!!
Is it better to sell lunar new year stuff in tp for buying ectos OR open it to get lucky essences?
jurojinyagami4957: Thanks Johny :)
ryuurel8018: Yo..thank you for the vid, I'm a returning player and wanted to max my mf this year.
MacaronSamaTV: Can't access to my dlc expansion on steam
Feb 05 2025