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Griffon is now officially a flying mount Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds

maxzhu273: haha griffon go flap flap
AmDronik: This is how a WoW player would move around
linkofvev: The eternal struggle of having to choose between Mount Energy Booster and Scavenger protocol.
firby7341: this video reminds me of how mad i am the jade bot is per character and not per account xD
merklyz: I thought it would be busted, but not that much. Only tested it in full speed and it really feels like you gain height rather than lose it.
AlaiaSkyhawk: Ahahah, yeah it officially flies now xD

Pretty good for getting across gaps where skyscale and the warclaw's air bouncing can't make it, but there's not enough room to do a griffon flap-dive for speed. Also good if you just want to fly around enjoying the scenery without going 90mph :D
traviscue2099: Warclaw is also a flying mount now if you take off from a cliff
thewatcher2020: Going that speed over water, might as well switch to Skimmer lol.
brunomunemassa8266: I didnt achieve the mastery yet so i was super curious about if it got better air-time. I bet this will feel great after you rise from a bullet dive and start flapping to gain more height !
MadTawnyOwlet: All these comments saying griffon is a glorified glider... Do people not know how to use it's diving mechanics to gain speed and altitude ? Griffon is great for zooming through the sky.

Thanks for the tip. Ngl I have completely neglected the whole jade bot thing...but I should actually get around to utilising it properly.
BonkMachine: Only thing missing now is the bunny hop beeing high enough for super speed

Aug 31 2024

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