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Eso Players Are Trying Guild Wars 2

bosunbones.8815: To answer a question in the video.

Gw2 is my only mmo. Im 50 and played world of warships for 6 years. During that lockdown in 2020 a bunch of us from work decided to try gw2 together. The base game was free so no one had to spend money to join in so i gave it a go.

I have kids, a full time job, a disabled wife so i dont have the time to invest in multiple games but GW2 just...... clicked.

i have no interest to try others less so if i have to pay a sub fee.
SwedudeEPIC: Soon "Why I left my wife for Guild Wars 2"
LililiLilili-e6w: GUILD WARS 2 BEST MMO
hirdy932: Why I play 1 MMO at a time? Because I have no time for anything else. I log into GW2 and I have so many goals of legendaries and achievements, I'm fully legendary on light and nearly on heavy and medium too, but I want more generations of weapons, the WvW or PvP sets, challenge mode titles.

There's also the fact I'm a part of a big WvW guild, I want to be there for raids, to command others and get better at this much more skill based game, I'm still forever learning new traits or ways to play old builds. I've never stopped learning about GW2 after 8 years and though I take breaks and play a racing game or something for a while, GW2 is the MMO for me, I feel my time is respected more than any MMO I've played and that my skill plays a big part to my success in game.
elenacarbonell2528: I spent 1,981 hours in ESO in one
Tempestchron: I only play 1 MMO now because irl responsibilities need me to curate my gaming experience to fit both single player games, MMOs and chores. I picked GW2 because I prioritize exploration nowadays, whereas before, when I had all the time in the world as a young guy with little responsibility, picked MMOs based on gameplay systems.
willowcrowluxx: GW2 isn't my only mmo but it is my home mmo, and the one I tend to play every day (if I can.) I take breaks every so often, for my two week minecraft phase, or recently tried WOW again. But it's always going to come back to GW2 LOL

I played GW2 for the first time as an older teenager, very briefly, I wasn't allowed a lot of video games if any at all as a kid/teen so I probably snuck playing it for a little bit and then erased all evidence of it. All I can say is it left an impression on me.

Flash forward to me being like 20/21, I made a new account, my now ex had a game key he got when buying something else and gave it to me since I'd gotten into GW2 again. I used it, and spent a handful of hours in the game then. My main character was a Norn Guardian, and I still have her!

I remember my nooby ass not knowing why I couldn't go in the portal to what I now know was Hoelbrak. I ran around leveling for a bit, and eventually was able to go through. I remember walking under the archways, finding my way down to the lodges for the animal spirits, completely in awe of the city. The ice sculptures seemed huge and the snow felt sparkly. There were so many nooks and crannies that I didn't find then -- in fact, as I type this, I just explored the entirety of Hoelbrak last night and man am I in awe all over again! I then lost access to a computer and was offline for a few years.

Flash forward, I'm 25 now, just got back into it a handful of months ago, and I've actually put effort into learning the game! When I get stressed out working both my jobs I look forward to coming home and even just running around for a bit or playing the next chapter of the story. I'm emotionally attached to the characters and the world, I've cried so many times during this game. I think they do a masterful job of creating a worldscape. I have a few more than a handful of alts, so I can run around in Tyria as basically anyone I want to! No other world has captivated me quite like Tyria, I don't think any mmo I try will quite measure up to the magic I've experienced in this game and community.
DarthKastos: “What makes you guys play just 1 MMO?”

I played GW1, then GW2 and I loved it. Then I tried WoW and it didn’t click. GW2’s approach to collaboration, shared goals and playing together with 50 people across the map is a true MMO feel that I haven’t seen in other games.

The community is AMAZING, and it feels like a game where everyone wants you to succeed in your journey, while at the same time being challenging and rewarding.

It has everything. I’m happy.
NikeGipple: GW2 is perfect for those who have other responsibilities or other video games to play because it allows you to choose your goal and pursue it. If that is not respecting your time I don't know what could be more.

Also, GW2 does not destroy your progress when you leave the game. What you have achieved is there waiting for you.

Sep 20 2024

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