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Do You Need To Change Your Build? ALL Effects of the February 11th Patch in GW2

SteveWray: Can they not leave things alone? Is constantly changing for 'balance' a way that they think they retain customers? Because they think people like having to keep changing things around, buying new gear? (hint; just go all celestial everywhere for everything and never change your gear again, same for the runes, minimaxing is just a waste of gold. Also, stop grinding for gold, you need less than you think and will enjoy games more if you grind for fun instead)

fabriciodias9673: I disapprove any elementalist nerf since its the least played class.

Shakehead1: Untamed Power Benchmark is at 45.688 atm with spear from Jiho

hamsam789: as a noob I really appreciate these vids

butzfam0: RIP my WVW support Renegade. I prefer support rolls in WVW. Not sure what to do with my Revenant now

DeltatechActual: I'm in the upper 8% of players. Over a Decade, all expansions, over 4k hours and SHOULD be the target demo.

If you think you hated PVP and WVW BEFORE, wait till you play it after this nerf!!!

It's even less fun or rewarding than ever!!

I've played since Beta, actually bought the game before it went F2P and will play PVE till the servers are unplugged. But I hate the lack of fluidity/stun mechanics in PVP so much even if it gave 100 gold per hour I still wouldn't bother. I play wvw just long enough to farm a gift of battle and I HATE it the whole time.

martinb3977: That's exactly the kind of guide I was looking for, thanks!

GeminiKLY: Super helpful and concise video. Love it

Jannah_2k: Balance update news appreciated! ^^ As a Spear Mechanist enjoyer, i have survived this update and will carry on gaming happily. Think i will change my Elementalist into some sort of Condi Bunker or something.. what would be optimal weapon combo for such if would just go full Trailblazer?

dragonblessed8941: Wake me when they buff Ele again

adrianszyndler1904: Thanks for your good video!

JosephSaintClair: I decided to go back to Druid for PvP. Had a 17 win streak today. Super happy !!

Power mirage is actually insane in PvP. It’s one to be careful of imo.

Re chrono in PvP... I think building for double/triple shatter build ups still has some crazy bursts. But. You are super duper squishy. If you have a tempest support you have a chance to unleash hell imo

nathanzorndorf8214: Where are you seeing the “10% damage buff” to mirage? I’m not seeing that in the patch notes at all…

Luke43524: do u have a link to the mirage roamer build? (pvp)

ColtyMaverick: PvE TL:DR

Anything spear got a buff, everything else got chipped but still playable

vojtechbarta8442: I am little bit confused. Could you please recommend the best healer/support class for PVP and WvW after this nerfs?

matthewmcguigan4293: This patch might make my greatsword/spear willbender in PvP make a little more sense?

I'm sure that sword/sword is good, but I can't let go of my friends...

arcane3419: pve or pvp?

Feb 15 2025

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