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Did You Know The AI Have NAMES In GW2?

dakotacornish6616: The ai going out of its way to taunt on you after putting you in a gravity grenade as z7 while you're playing rock pea

NoUserU: Of course, who wouldn't know Mrs. Prickles?

A_Ali173: Everyone’s been emoted on by Mrs Prickles and Spiked Specialist

zombiecoin: Most human-like AI I've seen so far

Apricot_Axolotl: Couch Potato the engineer was my arch nemesis back when I was 8

geekmachine666: Mr prickles when i got vanquished for the 69th time:

Roman_the_black_cat: Toxicity is not the communities fault, its a game mechanic

DylanAlvarado-p1s: Mrs. Prickles, the final boss

nilpyc307: i guess the ai are cod players without a voice

nadroji6549: The TF2 Ai is the same way, taunt & everything.

Catty-Crash: This is when Popcap is testing the Ai Function for the characters in Each mode.

Also at the end in the Zompolis Map, The Ai litterally cant shoott the chest battery at the Zombot for no damn reason

Sep 18 2024

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