koetom75: Thanks a lot...will give it a try...love your openworld builds.
BlackBarett: I wasnt too sure about the facecam gear/talents gameplay all at once but the more I watch it and think about it the more I think this is probably the way I prefer it.
singanushiga: Can you do an open world builds tier-list?
Ham68229: Thank you, trying this build and it's taking a bit to get used to, I usually have to run low intensity builds due to nerve damage but, this really isn't that bad so far. Thank you for sharing, cheers :)
est9662: nice vid pls could you show next time also a dps meter. I see you have fos meter up but also an idea of the dps would be good info.
luisnghiem6893: Would that work with exotic gear or is legendary/ascended mandatory?
tysonmcculloch5567: This looks nuts, id love to try it but it looks like it will hurt my brain playing it on controller haha panic pressing everything off CD
Jan 09 2025