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34K DPS with 0 Buttons The Easiest DPS Build in Guild Wars 2

captaincrapface7337: Yo man, don't show that, you gonna get warrior nerfed
Tamate-m4d: this is actually more beginner friendly than core hammer guardian if anyone was wondering just because you have 900 range which is helpful when you have to move for mechanics
ReyAudentio: For as long as I've played thief, it's wild we have this but in order to reach full potential with rifle (and still not be highest dps in the game) we have to cripple ourself by kneeling.
_zargholl: PSA tl;dr - the build benches less than 30k

Disclaimer: Sorry for sounding harsh, this is just something that systematically immensely annoys me. For more context see following replies.
This is such a disingenuous and misleading bait. The DPS isn't 34k. Did you know that in the first 0.1 seconds of the combat you're actually doing 100k dps? You can't just take the first chat number 6 seconds into the combat and call that dps, that's so misleading. I can get 250.000 first chat dps number if I wanted, and I don't call that 250k dps. Please. When the standard is using 4M golem ending number, and everyone compares that, or even 1M ending would be fine, you can't just go around sharing this. Reaper does 60k dps in 6 seconds. A bladesworn can do that in 0 seconds for a milion DPS. Not to mention you start the golem at 98% health and have all 13 conditions and 12 boons, benefiting unrealistically from Exposed Weakness and Premeditation. Even in your screenshot the DPS stabilizes at around 30k 20s in. At least use that average, not some inflated number that literally doesn't tell you anything and is largely meaningless. Thanks. FYI I have nothing against the build, it's good, the gear is fine, your explanation is fine, it's literally just the presentation and clickbait that I cannot stand and I'm sorry for that, but it's your let's say responsibility as a content creator to not promote and spread false information. Someone ~might~ will
PucPoo: FInally a build made for me, deleting my warrior and making a thief now. Thank goodness
Menoris: Probably the most boring build in existence but great for learning stuff
kevind.6105: I'm playing this build right now and it's so fun, and for me especially I wasn't even looking after an "easy" build, but the stylish and the feeling of the deadeye is amazing. Thanks for sharing _
cryhavok8257: This is literally exactly what I wanted because I don't PvE. Thank you!!
SilhouetteGaming1: Heal scourge isnt a good build for talking with your friends.

Sep 25 2024

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