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You want me to adjust!? finalfantasy14 finalfantasyxiv ffxivmemes ff14memes ff14 ffxiv

lelakurayami3727: Healer like "You want me to adjust?! HOW ABOUT I ADJUST YOUR NUTS INTO PASTE!"

user-ec1fo6lb5w: "Understood, I've adjusted your health insurance premiums. Have fun on the ground :) " -me, a WHM

abdulazizalbelushi7005: That last hit was from the heart

kaberial: Oh man, one time a RDM stood it all the mechanics and told healers to adjust. After the 5th revive the healer killed him by pulling him into big damage mechanics so he can die for the 6th time. They stop reviving him for the rest of the run.

Haha_v_air_: Just last night, I let a DPS taste the ground, as they wouldn't get out of Ultimas AoEs. Then, I proceeded to let them simmer for a bit in hopes that they'd think about what they did.

giv3m3ahug70: I just don't heal them

chewedw1re: had one guy have a complete meltdown, tell me to “heal better” (they were a ninja) after pulling aggro in the whole room in dusk vigil and then leave when me and the tank asked him to not do that lmfaoo

IKMcGwee: I slap regen on em, if that wasnt enough then they shoulda done the mechanics.

Attilathepun: Me: The healer standing in the same mechanic slowly backing away

aronth: New Boss mechanic: Enraged Healer rush combo

Stunju: adjust? why dont you adjust to the floor you seem to like it there

raarasunai4896: Yeah, eventually there comes a point where you have to say enough is enough and let the DPS learn the hard way.

Aug 15 2024


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