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YoshiP Just Saved FFXIV in Patch 7.2 Xeno Reacts

Zackarco: Color me surprised, I never thought in a million years Xeno's favorite zone would be Camp Bronze Lake.

rccombs111: This needs to be content that comes out on release, not over half a year afterwards.

GEMINIVice1: Hard agree on Bozja not being visually ‘prettier’ than Eureka.

But accessing the raids in Bozja felt better vs accessing the raid in Eureka

Also preferred the critical engagements/duels (once notoriety was implemented) in Bozja v the notorious monsters in Eureka

zaphyy: When I was new to the game in SHB, I started Eureka because I just wanted the dyeable RDM hat. Fast forward to now and I have elemental 2 sets for 3 jobs and 3 Physeos weapons. I used to help run BA parties in the Discord after I got my first few clears. I used to be a savage and ult raider but as I got busier in life I always appreciated content like this that was still something I could do on my own time. It's definitely repetitive and can be a slog but there was something about learning how to navigate Eureka and being able to just chill with other people in the instance. Sucks we had to wait until 7.2 for this but I'm so excited to see what they do with it!

DarkDyllon: this looks good with 1 major issue.

there's 0% chance this'll be here for 7.2, no way they're adding the meatier content with 7.2 when it has MSQ, Trial/EX, normal raid and 1 week after savage.

which means it'll likely be at 7.25, which is another 2 months, so 2 more months till 7.2, then 2 more for a total of 4 more months till this type of content.

people are already forgetting that we've waited a literal year for this type of thing and instantly go "they listened!" lmao no, they didn't listen, it was their schedule all along.

TK_TK811: The epitome of Walmart American.

Crescent NAH

Croissant YEAH

DoppelgangerTH: they havent saved anything and imma come back to this comment in june when 7.25 hits and everyone is madge.

kanick1983: "get to repetitive" says the dude that grinds the same boss fights day in and day out 1000s of times lol

dzanfox: When he started talking about the ARR relic, all I could think about was the book grind. Please god, not the book grind...

StriderIK: In so glad ffxiv ended with endwalker and we all moved on. Not sure what everyone else keeps yapping about

LunaRosalie: the problem with this content is I'd rather just simply play Literally any other game, and thats what ive been doing since the start of this expansion.

hallo-mt5tx: ill probably come back 7.4 like 2 weeks before 7.5

Exeeter1234: Meh... its the same thing over and over again. Nothing ever added to the game that is semi evergreen or meaningful to actually engage with. This content will be a novelty one off that is completely isolated from the rest of the game outside of cosmetic rewards that will populated by only the most die hard enthusiasts post DT. The game needs an ACTUAL formula shake up. This is not YP saving 14, this is him saving DTs current content cycle while doing the same thing he and his team have been doing since HW.

1337penguinman: I think the content release cycle comes down to money. People pay 50 or 60 bucks at the beginning of an expansion to buy it. That's like 3 or 4 months worth of sub fees. 5 if you count that one month they are subbed to play it. Now, let's say someone finishes the MSQ, maybe raids for a couple weeks, and gets bored and dips. Then they come back a few months later when content starts dropping. That's the equivalent of them just staying subbed for that 4 months. But if you front load all your content and people blow through it in a year and dip, then you have zero money coming in for that second year while you wait for the next expansion launch. Doing it this way theoretically evens out the revenue flow so you don't have big spikes and dips, especially if you're measuring by quarters. Which is going to look better to Squeenix's shareholders. It's bullcrap, but I'm guessing that's the real reason behind it. And why I don't expect it to change.

Froggsroxx: Thats a bold title

Gillian_FFXIV: After being away for several months, I might actually become active again..hmmm. Gonna need a new FC too though lol

GhostRabbiit: that actually doesnt look bad, im looking forward to it and judge accordingly

Prism_Heavy: As I said on another comment, they're adding more in this patch then they did in all of EW

sunrah27: Just for those that want to know more about Titan Hard and Extreme mode back in ARR.

The game had a built in 333 ms latency due to the servers only updating 3 times a second. The game servers were in Canada and Japan. So for most of us not in Japan and canada we had ping of around 200 on average.

That meant on a good day you had a 0.5 second delay on everything that happened. Ofcourse some people had even higher latency.

Then there was the issue of a lot of people playing on the PS3. The PS3 was not able to render all of the animations and telegraphs for attacks on time. So not only were you on a 0.5 second delay, your PS3 would either render attack telegrams late or not at all.

Finally, a lot of the jobs were not balanced. Mitigation were limited and there your party composition mattered a lot. Only handful of groups had teamSpeak which was not free, so coordinating, callouts etc... required everyone to rely on ingame chat. Some chads had macros that they would trigger so the entire party was aware of what was happening.

Kaylersick: those ruins remind me of the wanderers palace but that aethryte is new world.

aeolussvichi7680: So they bringing back cross class abilities from 2.0 and the zodiac weapons from 2.0.

I’m down for that

willowwisp2420: 100% agree, bozja was much better designed, but as expected a war torn landscape looked like ass and was not a very enticing place to go to.

wojciechpiosik302: For me ff14 is dead

Sagefire121: Note that this is an opinion of an overall casual player:

So, I personally love FFXIV, and have played it off and on for years, and though I am not currently subbed, I will definitely resub later. However, for me, since I am not into the super hard Savage boss fight kind of stuff (which looks great), I only like FFXIV for the main story, really. Arguably, FFXIV's biggest strength is its main scenario quests. So, when the main story stuff is not great like in Dawntrail (yeah, I'm one of those who didn't like the Dawntrail MSQ), I feel like I don't really have much more to go for in between expansions. Sure, there are hunt trains, and treasure maps, and Savage, and crafting, but, I want more with open world stuff, as that is something I personally like. I play Guild Wars 2 right now because of this, because it has so much to do open-world-wise, and it feels like an MMO (in terms of "Massive").

FFXIV isn't exactly an MMO in terms of the "Massive" part of the acronym, but this is just my opinion. I've played MMO's for over 25 years, and lots of different kinds, all the way back to old Everquest and Ultima Online. FFXIV doesn't have a great open world with tons of people doing stuff in it. Sure, I haven't done absolutely everything to have a 200% informed opinion (like criterion dungeons, Savage, Ultimates), but this is what I've seen in Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker. You may think FFXIV is "Massive" with the bazillion people in Limsa Lominsa, but that's more of a chat room type situation, not people actually doing anything gameplay-wise.

In Guild Wars 2, you got open world meta events going on all the time with tons of people, which all do different things. Tons of the zones, from past to future, all give you relevant rewards, too, that are always valuable. You got World versus World at the press of a button, allowing you to PVP with loads of players in small or big groups. From capturing things or killing enemy players in World versus World, you get loot. You got their arena PVP system, which you click a button to hop in, and it's real easy to select X Y Z as your "gear" to determine your build. (FFXIV PVP appears to give you new hotbars with different abilities you have to figure out by reading tooltips, at least when I tried it awhile back.) All of these Guild Wars 2 modes reward you with PVE type stuff, like gear, items, and money. Oh, and you also can get transmogs, pets, and emotes, similar to FFXIV.

If what I've watched on Youtube is true, variant/criterion dungeons apparently don't have good rewards (not sure if that is still currently the case). What a wasted opportunity, if so! (I know FFXIV PVP gives rewards, so that is good. I should have tried FFXIV PVP more, pardon me.)

So, I'm really glad they are coming out with stuff like Occult Croissant. FFXIV needs more of this! I'm totally into that! This is something that my casual player-ness can totally get into. This may make me resub. FFXIV really needs to try new and different things, too. The formula of releasing just dungeons/raids (where dungeons are kill 2-3 monster packs, 1st boss, 2-3 monster packs, 2nd boss, 2-3 monster packs, 3rd boss) is gonna really hurt the game in terms of casual players like me.

Anyways, this is not a commercial for Guild Wars 2, but just an example of an MMO that gives more to casuals with the extreme amount of content that is relevant, and my hoping that FFXIV will think more about putting "Massive" into their MMO.

jonesdaevilone: In the immortal words of Big Kev "I'm excited"

ElderGamerX: I think x.1 is the absolute latest they should add these exploration zones. I barely lasted 2 months in Dawntrail, but if they had announced that this was in the next patch, I probably would have toughed it out. Or at the very least planned to return for 7.1, rather than planning on checking back in at 8.0.

Feb 12 2025


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