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Xeno Rants about FFXIV Patch Schedule

ARandomUser5: I love XIV but yes, this is becoming unacceptable. The "Golden Formula" that was once the game's backbone is now killing it. Something needs to give, and soon.

leftunder334: 4 months between patches wouldn't be a problem if the patches had more content.

ctrlsoul: the patch note is so contentless even Xeno's react is less than 3 minute

Avoleth: its not 4 months its 4.75 months its been slowly pushed up each expac

hallo-mt5tx: feels like the game is totally underfunded or mismanaged

MrSquigeon: I think it's wild they didn't give us Cosmic Exploration and the Bozja style zone in 7.1, give us the grindy content early so we have something to do while we wait for MSQ and raids

CaptnMarvelous: Thanks for keeping our entire company afloat with your game, Yoshi P. Another 17 billion to Foamstars 2.

aoetp: I can't think of any other reason as to why they spread out content like this other than to incentivize staying subbed, but like who tf stays subbed for the role quest finish?? Why not add this with 7.15 it's so dumb

TS-uc4hi: IF we get the exploration zone in March (It may be even later...), that is still 9 MONTHS after the expansion came out. WAY too long to introduce the "grind-content" of an xpac, people have already moved on.

Leife22: I remember them saying they extended release cycles by a month because of all the content and cutscenes added compared to other expansions. As of now, it doesn't feel there is more compared to other expansions.

leighg9o: The graphics update was pointless.

Commission_: "not even enough in here to make a video" - this is the summary of FF14, drip fed updates

d0tsf0rlife: Game is dogwater now. They don't give af, they REFUSE to take any risks and try to cater to everyone so the game becomes bland and stale, they put almost no resources back into the game despite it singlehandedly keeping their company afloat. They've gotten so complacent after the ARR success relaunch and they're too afraid to risk rocking the boat. They need to move on from YoshiP and find a new director. He served his purpose but they need someone new.

Fa1nTy: My wife's face when she saw MCH get buffed in PvP but untouched still in PvE ->

dc8836: Something about only hiring core staff if they live in Japan (and can commute to the Square-Enix offices, so it's a specific area of Japan too), speak fluent Japanese, and then also have whatever skills and experience they're needing. I've also been told that within the gamedev space, signing on with an aging MMO instead of a new project is likely bad for your resume as well (unless you plan on developing MMOs for your whole life, I guess.) Sums up to mean that the pool to draw personnel from is likely tiny. The solution would be outsourcing or relaxing requirements but I'm sure there's reasons beyond "monolithic Japanese developer being a monolithic Japanese developer" at work there. My understanding is that they do

dylansetright3359: Used to be 3.5 now its getting closer to 5 and honestly the content isn't exactly more then it used to be. They missing SO MUCH

rhb4856: Bought two hairstyles and still bald xffing

DerkaDerkaMohammadjihad: yeah.. i canceled.. Literally been waiting 7 months for dual dye system to come to PVP series sets.. still nothin

Zantetsudex: In the words of Yoshi-P, do these people even play their own game?

Jerbsinator: Man this game sure nose dived in a hurry and SE doesnt seem to be doing anything to give anyone some kind of hope that change is coming. I didnt even hate dt story but this shit is just unacceptable. There is so many fundamental issues with the game that need to finally be addressed. Its time to stop pretending that the glam system is fine, that the friend list isnt the worst in gaming, that housing shouldn't be tied to your fuckin sub, that the casual content being released for this game is unacceptably low quality for what we pay , etc wtc etc. What happened man, I miss when SE cared and gave us what we wanted.

bergeremit2530: Yep too little in a too long time frame BUT there will always be someone defending the million dollar company because they are "our friends" and we should be thankful as if we are not paying..... sigh

Choristoceras: They spent all the budget on voicing Wuk Lamat because there was so much of her. XD

KalanosYT: Its insane that content they advertised as being a part of this expansion, we have to wait up to a year sometimes more after release. I cannot think of another mmo that announces upcoming content with their expansions and then releases none of it on launch and drip feeds it over 2 years. Its unnaceptable.

runasth: You know what I'm starting to think is gonna happen? That one of their employees quits out of frustation (or something close to it) and then goes on to social media to expose what it is that's holding the game back so much.

But who am I kidding. That will never happen. Not just because of their JP culture but because it would invite unimaginable amounts of legal repercussion.

crimsonshadow1477: The fact there's nothing to do is the entire reason the game is seeing player decline, they NEED to add stuff for people to actually do, to log in and actually f around with...like they have all these plans apparently but there's just nothing to do

Tashiro64: I agree, 4-5 months between patch is crazy long.. this patch should have contained something, but it's completely empty.. Next patch is like in april and will contains 3 quests and one emote.. like.. put more people in the game! WoW cost the same and have a patch with new races/class/zone/quests/raid almost every 3 weeks.. They want us to pay.. but they dont want us to keep playing

Furyon1987: Time to wake up. Fund the game properly and give us 10 times the content twice as fast. We're paying the equivalent to a triple A game every 6 months and they aren't earning our subs right now. Ridiculous...

Jan 24 2025


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