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WoW Caster prepares for FFXIV Savage race by reacting to Arcadion

keshxiv: bro is going to be yammering literal nonsense on stream

MortalSora: Warrior of Light: "I have defeated countless Primals. I have felled large, imposing beasts. I have killed literal GODS. But that cute idol girl cosplaying as a bee scares the shit out of me."

Sammysnows: something that needs to be remembered dying in 14 is a DPS loss, died once you get 25% stats reduction means 25% damage loss for 3min

died 2x or more is a 50%

on week 1 a single dps if having brink of death weakness or the head empty sign is already a sign you will not going to pass enrage, if a 2 DPS death well might as well clean up since you are not passing enrage

RadicalRaspberry2: one thing you gotta remember that while you were watching this, you were pausing the video to identify mechanics and lines, when actually in the fight you got like 4 seconds to identify what the mechanic is trying to tell you, move to the safe spot, and keep your rotation up

DarkKnightofAnime: This was my first Day 1 Raid experience (logged in at 3:00 am on the dot) and it was without a doubt a very fun experience, I got to talking with a group the day after and the one thing we agreed on is that the savages for this raid series is likely to be "easier" by virtue of the mechanics being more structured and less randomized, more organized chaos if you will and I think this will especially be the case for the Honey B. Lovely fight

TheHellsOutsider: But........YoshiP took your gig already. This tier has an announcer :)

Bibleonian: Something that wasn't shown in the videos and I don't think many people know or have noticed: on the map on the 4th fight, there's a 2nd platform just out of view of the minimap that has presence on the full map. I'm hoping that'll lead to some split party shenanigans.

psymar: on honey B. line you*can* keep melee uptime without getting hit if you space it absolutely perfectly but it's not worth it

syaojyn: Casting for savage will be a lot of fun, I'm gonna be crafting for a group at server launch

I think the fights are better with English voice acting... so I can understand them lol

FrozenFruit976: Seeing the healer pov where they can extract a bunch of materia made me sad

Aug 04 2024


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