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Will I finish FFXIV Story?

vistra944: These comments talking about it not being hard to complete the story are missing the point, imagine going up to someone and asking them to invest hundreds if not thousands of hours just to complete a game, or even then just get to endgame. Utterly insane to expect that of anyone.

dh599: 600 hours in FF14 and I've only finished 1 DLC, I don't blame anyone for not catching up.

kirillarionov123456: Why, when I opened a comment section, why did I expect anything else, other than these goddamn bots???

It’s fucking sad.

Dharengo: "Get really good at the game"

We're talking about finishing the story though.

furen4962: You really don't need

kaicrodrigues2578: Bro choose the 3 whitest sports out there

heronoverdose: I feel like Josh is missing out big time with this mindset

keiyangoshin3650: I’ve been playing FFXIV for over ten years. I’m still learning how to get good at this game.

SethJV: FF14's story became garbage after ARR, he's not missing on much.

Also the fact that the community went from 30 years old people to zoomers didn't help.

1un4cy: I remember sitting outside a mandatory raid for 2 hours just to progress, with nothing else to do but wait for the queue. Also 30 minutes for every mandatory dungeon along the way.

viralillie: don't worry josh it's mid anyway

Jul 20 2024


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