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Why FFXIV is Impossible to Balance Xeno Reacts to Interview with Mr Ozma Lead Designer

ARCWolf7: I might be in the minority, but I think every Alliance Raid should be the difficulty of The Tower at Paradigm's Breach, and The Orbonne Monastery. Jeuno: The First Walk was a good first step and I hope they stay this route.

danikame9481: I mostly agree with Xeno on Chaotic but I think it has some design missteps. The two most glaring problems for content that is supposed to be targeted for more “casual” players, are the body checks and the random spots people get dropped when they fall. First, the towers simply do too much damage. Killing 20 people cause two or three are dead/mess up is bad design to me. Then if someone in alliance A falls off the map and is then dropped on the other side where they can’t be easily resed or get back into position is poorly implemented. Otherwise, awesome fight.

Dyvinell: As someone who has been raiding since eden’s promise as tank and melee both and am currently a melee main, positionals for sure are super outdated and limit so much potential to make the game more fun not just for melees, but for all jobs, because more interesting mechanics and design philosophies can be implemented without positionals needing to be taken into account. I personally am 100% on team remove positionals

gfdf511: Im telling you, granblue relink in terms of combat, classes, and boss design is the direction ffxiv should go. If not, Id suggest taking a page out of monster hunter for how we tackle bosses. Instead of a boring timeline that the boss must follow, just give them a kit that the boss cycles through. It would heavily increase variance negating content becoming monotonous and promote those cool on the fly moments people enjoy. (We saw a little bit of this in the newest normal alliance raid, which Id have to argue in terms of fight design was such a breath of fresh air.)

Diddz: if they were to give us a singleplayer ultimate of any kind, watching all the trash players fail to ever clear and be unable to be carried will be VERY VERY entertaining to watch

JxzzCat: I agree that positionals need to go. It'll add more ability to design unique boss mechanics.

altair4849: Dawntrail having the best endgame content?

TheToadmyster: Fights are too symmetrical I feel. Always gotta be standing on a clock spot, always gotta be a left cleave then a right cleave, always gotta be a pairs or light party stacks. It feels so robotic, why do so many fights have this formula? Theres a clear point when content started doing that.

SRFAA: Another good example of the fun:difficulty ratio is Mysterious Figure in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep in comparison to the secret bosses in the series before him. Mysterious Figure was so ridiculous that most didn't find him fun (cool fighting style and great music though), but he's still the hardest boss in the entire series.

xCaLLMeGHeTTo: Even the mention of a 24 man ultimate makes me shiver. That would bring back MW2 lobby levels of toxicity.

GrimMega: I feel like the pace of the chaotic makes it harder than this raid tier :/ just me?

CaptnMarvelous: Naw I agree with removing positionals. They're from an old time in the game where melee could more safely dance around the boss and landing your positional was important. If the difference between missing and hitting is about 100 potency, that reward's pointless. Not to mention it leads to annoying situations where you have a melee fuck up and kill someone because they were GIGAGREEDING that side positional.

Either positionals have to matter more to make them useful (Which would feel like shit) or matter less. And if you remove positionals, you can give other classes their own unique mechanics to compensate. Maybe Samurai have to hit Not-Kaiten to "sheathe" their katana before a massive hit. Maybe monks get some sort of stance swap maneuver where they can hit out a hundred fists or something. Maybe Dragoons can have more use for their dragon meter. I don't know, I'm just spitballing.

Rasterizing: Make better 4 person dungeons - a bit like WoW mythic BUT..... with a few of the turds removed. Ie, you can choose your level, providing you've completed the previous one so 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Have more rewards drop from higher versions. Drop some tokens for decent gear at "really" high levels.

4 person content, at the moment it's literally impossible to die. It's a snooze fest and you're just doing it to cap tomes for alt jobs - make it relevant, make it replayable. I'd be happy to do Skynote 10 difficulty and earn some currency to buy some books, which I can then exchange the books for gear - something to make it worthwhile. Release it after savage has dropped and the race is over and give people who have more limited time or just enjoy small party content to get some rewards. Make us actually have to mitigate, kite, stun, sleep, etc. Criterion could have been this but it was just wasted, bland and not worth replaying after doing it a couple of times.

Scaling small party content please!

Nodnarb59: You're out of touch with Chaotic raid rating, but you're also a streamer so guess it was made for you

Paraguai123: For someone that haven't done Ultimates, but always clear Savages and Criterions and what-not, I feel like they just need to adjust numbers and have at least one or two mechanics that scream like *UNIQUE*. All the MXs fights don't have any like, SUPER UNIQUE mechanics to them. The biggest one that I can think of, is Honey B's stacks healing her and powering her up, which isn't super unique but I never seen that being applied in the context of a fight.

With that said, every single other fight in Dawntrail so far has been good to excellent, and yes, I'm including Sphene and Chaotic here. Just because the players are bad, doesn't mean the fight is bad.

Jon_the_Wizard: I am of the opinion that they should shoot for the Ivalice raids in terms of 24-man difficulty. I feel those fights are tough but fair. I know people say, "ooh, make them on par with the Nier raids," no. I hate those raids, especially Tower at Paradigm's Breach. Some of the stuff in them is cool (Hobbes in Copied Factory and Superior Flight Units from Puppets' Bunker (a mechanic done way better for the Ark Angels in Jenuo. Unrelated, Mr Ozma on the off chance you ever read this, Ark Angels gave me a hit of nostalgia for the Illidari Council back in World of Warcraft, the fight is stupid fun and I didn't know how much I missed that style of fight.) and Hansel and Gretel from Paradigm's Breach was a good fight) but the later bosses, especially in Tower at Paradigm's Breach, are just too tanky. It isn't as long as I'm making it out to be, but it feels like it takes forever to put the kibosh on the Red Girl and Her Inflorescence in particular and 9S has his moments as well; the multiple intermissions and "boss fucks off to do something else" sections (9S's bombing runs, Engels' charge up and floor smash, having to do a hacking minigame during Red Girl) just make the fights drag.

I get that some bosses in the Ivalice raids tend to get some players annoyed (Thunder God Cidolfus has his moments, nobody seems to know how to do Mateus, the Corrupt, Hashmal, Bringer of Order tends to be a thorn in inattentive groups' asses, Construct 8) but that is exactly the level of difficulty they should go for: quick enough if you know what you're doing, but preys on inattentive groups.

jm7468: remove positionals and watch dps all stack on top of each other and never move, so many times i have seen this happen.

phillipg3036: For me DT is the QoL expansion. Nothing insane content-wise but a lot of convenience that will make future expansions much easier to experience

TheMrSirHenry: The only thing difficult is memorization. That's all the raiding in this game is on every level outside of RWF

umbralflow6883: Any content worth doing is lock behind harder content. The casual content is one and done type of stuff. Duty, Duty Roulette, 24 man normal. So these player dont really have much to do as there is no long term grind for casuals. The rest is dead content. Midcore only has ex and maybe criterion. Then the hardcore has everything as they can do all of it. But because Hardcore makes up such a small precent of the player base more players feel like there is a content issue. Like with the new Chaotic 24 man. Why would casual and midcore play it. They only see it as yet another piece of content that isnt for them. What do these players do? They wait for reset, do the weekly, get their raid coin and log off. Some just stop playing till the next story patch. They should have added the exploration content sooner. At least they would have something to do. Im in the hardcore group so I shouldnt be complaining about it as Im getting the content. But im not blind to how dry the other more important areas of content are. I dont see how the dev dont see that. They just go " This content that was going to be around ex level, we accidentally made it too close to savage. Oh well will just keep it that way." Thats great for the hardcore player but its giant middle finger to the rest of the players.

mineking298: with ffxivs playerbase, i feel it is simply impossible to make casual or midcore content, because the second it requires an ounce of thinking, casuals call it hardcore or too hard.

Ventus777777: Based Mr. Ozma

Irha021: the only hard of this game is find people whiling in play raids, statics are a pain in th a** and pf is horrible

D0MONOyt: "Difficulty" 1 death = wipe absolutely bloody brilliant

temisu_namisu: I'll die on the positionals hill with you.

I don't really play melee any more because of them. I don't want to care about the positionals and I get annoyed if I mess them up. It gets to the point where I just don't care and use TN when it's up. The best time I had with melee was in Bozja where everything didn't need them. It's an example of a gameplay mechanic that just isn't fun.

Jan 18 2025


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