Axeken1996: West Coast Ping "Streamer Privilege" is the true meta jk
scoobiusmaximus9508: You sure you're playing Bard there? Because that's some black magic fuckery right there
Penwryn: Your face on the Omega clip says it all.
RaeeFF14: Plot armour is too powerful
xBluki: All skill no luck involved here
papermarkis: Meanwhile I'm getting hit by orange aoes that I've been standing outside of for like 2 full gcds
AzureDrive: My connections not good enough to reproduce that last clip but I've had many moments where I am certain I should get hit and just don't.
thewhale5773: How does this happen
RisqueBisquetz: Playing with 90 ping, i could never
thattallmexican6900: Wtf is this lmao I'll get hit by stuff that goes off after being out aoes for like 2-3 seconds and I'm in CST ;-;
Jul 28 2024