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When the music in FFXIV doesnt match the cut scene

chadwilson4947: This is the song I imagine plays when I see the children holding hand around the world logo, that's so funny

ZombieTreder: 100% agreed, I was dying the second the music started.

gold4753: Its barbenhimer all over again

scw55: You also have the quest after a Tragic Thing Happens Before This Scene, and when you hand in after the Tragic Cutscene, you get the "Happy Quest Complete Music".

TheImaggine: Listen, a bomb isnt just made by highly explosive powder but also friendship

123abc50216: "Hey Wuk, i know what where gonna do today!"

digitalbooklett9357: Yeah I got to this part and the mood whiplash was incredible

ricardocorrea6832: This is Civ Ghandi music.

BulkBoganOfficial: Ah yes, terrorism music

SNAFUq: Using friendship to destroy barriers. In this case, quite literally!

kingkarnage1315: I haven’t seen Openhimer but I imagine it’s the same

justinrios5757: It took THREE DAMN DAYS to make that train bomb

rock2k14: I cringed so hard at this scene, it felt like I'd fallen into a crappy Disney movie, it just doesn't suit the scene or the game in the slightest.

JangoFox11880: In my opinion this song stands for working together and helping each other to reach a goal.

There is even one line where text goes along something like "i stand here all alone" and the choir answers with "Look again, we're all here".

So I think this is really fitting. Maybe it is a little wierd for such a happy song playing while building a giant bomb on tracks but it stays the same: we work all together to save Tulliolal and it's people.

Aug 18 2024


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