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When Raiding Goes Wrong in FFXIV Dawntrail

Corvus7159: Really excited that you're raiding with Stal, she's one of my favorite 14 streamers and you've quickly become another one of my favorites as well

Croob22: Aint no way im not even a minute into the video and I hear the

Asmodelta: This is delightful c: The joy you guys had progging felt very contagious

RagnarokiaNG: my blind reaction to the beacon phase group up on Valigamarnda was saying out loud "Of course theres two of them!" Also Forward Half was a huge troll having me second guessing if I saw the sword on the right side or not until realising he swapped sides, both fights were a lot of fun to start blind on

chrisanderson6353: Hey Rinon! I"m fairly new to your channel. I love your content and guides that I have seen. they very clear and concise. Your explanations ease my anxiety when it comes to end game raiding. ( I'm still a bit scared to try valigarmanda ex) Thank you for being a gem and treasure. I'm not sure if you'll read this, but I wanted to say Thank you!

sipsu77: love the editing

Ziggy8750: Looked fun af

lens_hunter: Good thing the content has been good cause this MSQ has been a stinker. Here's hoping the content continues to be good.

JacobDeveloperLog: I am so happy you to see you guys have just as much fun as my friends and I had! Gj on the blind kills!

Jul 20 2024


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