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What is YoshiP Saying This New Years? FFXIV

Aoi-mirror: You do great content here on YouTube by the way, giving us access to the JP tanner on things.

I'll continue to take an interest in updates from JP forums, distilled to stuff that is likely to be interesting.

pedroscoponi4905: Interesting to hear they've settled

Aoi-mirror: Oh well it was nice to hear. Just I know it's like some people will never be happy deep dungeons aren't for me. Frankly deep dungeons aren't casual content either. Get to level 170 ,or 60 or 30, most of that is quite sandy mob pulling, fun with friends, no fun without now they've unsubbed, syndrome makes a mistake, now your back to the beginning and I'm not doing it again. Not with strangers because it's very meh fun.

vox7441: Wish SQ gonna made regional prices for subs and possibility to change account country

KateRoseN7: Ooh, I genuinely wonder what their plans for 8.0 are.

SunrisenStar: 30 cigs a day, isn't that a full pack?

Tezasaurus: He's down

raventhorX: rather than a new deep dungeon i feel they should have revamped the prior deep dungeon systems. The current most recent one barely got any attention at all compared to the first two.

noahwagoner7650: Why do people ask about 8.0 do they not see the pattern SE does every expac?

EvilGL: Thanks so much for the translations, your content is highly underrated imo O:

valvadis2360: I wish this new Deep Dungeon to be based on some of the more esoteric FF9 locations like Gaia, Bran Bal and Memoria.

Iskariot94: Good to know. And I still don't have the TT Card from the Last one...

Clank_Bot: Funny enough, I managed to clear HoH solo on Monday, so hearing a new deep dungeon is already in the works is quite exciting

BlazeBuds: Seems a bit of a waste! No one hardly even does the last 2 ones, most still do POD. Maybe they should have found a way to rework the other 2 so people do them

Pikaru-c4u: He’s saying keep putting money into 14 so they can reallocate the money in a gotcha game. I almost done with dt and wtf were they thinking

Jan 07 2025


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