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What is the Handiest Item in FFXIV?

chernobyl169: That is 100% a Sharlayan design. Functional, aesthetic, and absolutely without a shred of tact.

Ventus777777: These are the moments why i love this game.

CottidaeSEA: A tool which can truly lend a helping hand when in need

Iowa2006: My headcannon is he bought it because he's very practically minded and it was the cheapest option.

Sharlayan surely had cooler looking ones, but they were pricey.

megamanblack4309: I'm impressed by his accent!

HayTatsuko: Even better, you can get that as a minion, the Wind-up Cursor! It might not be quite as useful as Erenville's, though.

HeyNaniNani: Every single one of my favorite Jesse Cox Moments are him taking his glasses off because he just cannot with this shit.

hufflepuffler2575: I won’t lie, I nearly choked on my sandwich when I saw this scene

Sirax123: 0/10. Bad joke that belongs in side quests

Forginswagger: OH I GET THE JOKE NOW.

IndianaWright: Got to Hand it to Erenville, that was a good pun

Sep 25 2024


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