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Valigarmanda EX Pictomancer PoV FFXIV Dawntrail

marcusaurelius4777: Damn. Hopefully you can put out a PCT guide as good as your BLM one is, I'd love to see that :D

damkina_ina: rip BLM o7

Th3RazieI: If Picto doesn't get nerfed HARD before the raid releases, it will probably be a must have, given that damage output

NingenShikkaku564: Great to see you jumping ship like all the other blm "lovers". Totally not played it because it was making top dps.

xeno5384: I can't wait for the picto guide I need some help on this class xD

alexfishing88: I cleared it with blm the second day of ea. All I got out of it was a headache. If they buff xeno to 1000 potency and flare star to 800 maybe it's worth it...

xcetrax: So does this mean no blm content? :c

clackjaw4017: Picto damage is unreal right now haha. The hammer during buff windows is insane.

XChronicHash: That 90k prepull Rainbow Drip

msob1638: was your first clear on picto?

Flower-ou1ww: Picto guide when?

Jul 07 2024


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