awesomeuno1: No warriors here, smh
Gujuava: As a healer main, my biggest gripe is that the Rescue CD is too long. How am i supposed to effectively rescue my dps into deadly aoe’s?
hoenn1999: I really agree with Komachi's suggestion of making more involved healing and DPS rotations. I don't like the current design of most healer kits where they just have a pile of cooldowns to cycle through that have little if any internal synergy. It would be more fun to have spells and abilities that interact with each other and flow together for optimal healing.
lumeiruart: maybe the best healer balance is friends we made along the way....
ankowat6775: The one common thing I keep hearing from healers, myself included, is that healing is fun when it's chaotic. When people are taking additional unintended damage and you have to think on the spot to recover. It's mentioned in this video too. I've not raided recently since my static is dead but that was my problem with savage. It was too punishing most of the time for that very situation to occur. I often head into newer trials just to experience healing the chaos of people being new and getting hit by stuff. The satisfaction I get when I, as a healer, get my team through the toughest of situations is why I want to heal. It's why reclears are so boring. When everyone knows where to go and what to do, is when healers have the least to do and are the least engaged.
hazardyoutube1121: stall is healer now confirmed
AgentNoun: I agree with most of the suggestions here but I do think Komachi saying "I don't think healing should be made harder" before proposing a bunch of changes that would make it much harder is really funny
My favorite suggestion in the video is to give more healers meters like White Mage's that turn your healing into damage. I agree that's an extremely satisfying mechanic to engage with.
Snoopy44291: I'd love a melee based healer that builds resources when they complete combos. A combat medic.
Kinda how after using 3 lilies you get a Blood Lily, after completing combos you get a resource that can be used to channel healing spells, and better cooldowns need more of that resource.
That paired with another resource for less potent heals, kind of how the PLD bar fills on autoattacks. That way you get rewarded for DPSing, while managing resources.
HunterMask1507: I love healers as a tank main because they help me stay alive when the big bad boss hurts me : )
hellostal: play xenoblade
periplectomenus6257: As a scholar main I've found the raid tier quite fun however I do have two criticisms , make my fairie gauge do something other than a single target tether heal and change dissipation into something else because locking yourself out of half your kit just isn't good design
1Meepman: Keep the Lily Gauge on WHM, no more homogenization. Not every job needs a dash. SCH also does have a damage skill with their gauge called Energy Drain but it was nerfed so much because how dare we try to optimize? Make ED more impactful or even upgrade it into bane for DoT gameplay.
keykanon: BLU once again not invited to the discussion despite having easily the most engaging Healer DPS rotation.
chi5209: One of my ideas for making healer more engaging is to involve MP as a mechanic more. Neutral Sect in certain scenarios (p10s HH and DSR Wroth come to mind) and now SCH's Seraphism give healers access to some of the strongest heals at the incredible MP costs when spammed. WHM's limited ogcd kit and lilies can only take it so far in prog or emergency scenarios...but it feels really good to recover a party going south by using one charge of Thin Air to rez and the other to Cure III.
I would almost feel tempted to say, reduce the MP costs of GCD heals to be equivalent to filler (400MP) and have oGCD heals start at 500MP for single target and 700MP for AoE, depending on potency and CD duration. Casual players who don't know how to manage their MP well can get through most content mostly GCD healing while more skilled healers make the tradeoff between extra damage and MP management. As a bonus, piety becomes a not-completely-dead stat in scenarios where bringing enough of it saves you and your cohealer enough GCDs that it's a gain over pure damaging substats like crit.
bolladragon: My concept for a healer was Chemist having a sort of mudra-like system and a ton of resource banking so you need to continue a rotation to always have a supply of your “potions” to use as needed, with full access to a basic cure and medica equivalent that’s more MP heavy than the others to encourage you to keep mixing.
LivvieLynn: "Healer strike" is still going on. Just not as a "strike" but one of the top 10 threads of all time on the forum (internationally) that is still actively being discussed.
socram3254: I only healed for one tier (Anabaseios), and it's crazy how I felt both extremes in terms of fun. Progging it as a SGE was genuinely the most fun I've had in this game and I remember being fully commited to becoming a healer main from then on, BUT as my static did reclears, became more consistent and better geared, the fun factor took a nosedive for me. I think healer is in a pretty good spot for progging scenarios, but they need to design fights that are fun to reclear after everything is figured out as well
Necrofitz: Healers simply need more engaging damage based mechanics. Take them away from the basic one button setup and give them rotations that feed into healing procs like was suggested in the video. Like what if Free Cure on WHM was changed to proc 30% of the time at the end of a three GCD damage combo? Now it's no longer bait for new healers and rewards them for participating in damage, where learning they should be doing damage in group content is the hardest thing for new healers to understand.
I think a good example of a change would come from WHM lily charges. How about instead of each charge being a heal then giving a proc for a damage button, it's damage charges like BLM's job gauge, but at the end it gives a high potency heal you can deploy? Things like that would go far in making healers feel more dynamic for casual and hardcore players alike.
Snakester789: The main problem with healers for me is that as a patch goes on, as you get better gear and as everyone learns the fights, you end up using less and less of your kit. Tanks and DPS on the other hand still get to use their full kits/rotations outside of maybe dropping a mit or feint that they don't need anymore. So tanks become better tanks, DPS get bigger numbers and healers slowly morph into boring as fuck green dps.
Orih9: Rinon, if you come across this comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on a concern of mine regarding the current healer direction. When it comes to conversations about healer DPS, there's disagreement on how invested healers should be with DPS actions, but I feel that the current "one-button DPS" model all 4 healers share actually continues to add more pressure on healers to maximize DPS.
Each expansion introduces more offensive power creep as DPS and tank jobs get more potency injected into their rotations, and thus healers need more potency to keep up with that power creep or killing enemies even just when solo gets slower and slower. And we've seen how literally every expansion has added more potency to each healer's filler attack spell, but doesn't this just constantly add more pressure each expansion to maximize DPS uptime and make defensive play more punishing as more damage is lost per GCD spent on healing and barrier application? What will the potency of each filler attack look like in another 10 years if we carry on like this? Will Sage's Dosis III or its successor spells have a potency of 390 in 8.0, 420 in 9.0, 450 in 10.0, and 480 in 11.0? Is that healthy for the game?
jobo5300: The biggest problem for healer is that the role gets less interesting the better you are. Healing a non expert team can be quite the involved endeavour as you pull out all the stops to keep the failing party alive. In contrast a good party with a skilled healer manages mechanics and most heals can be planned out before the fight has even begun. This is also why prog is the most interesting and impactful time for healers.
This is als why throwing a dps rotation into the healer kit won't solve the issue. It will just make the job even more stressful and demanding as there will be a more stringent pressure to do all the dps you can. I agree that WHM gauge (do healing -> get damage reward) is the correct direction to take while SCH gauge (choose beetween either healing or damage) is the wrong way.
TrenteR_TR: As a Healer who started with this expansion.
I understand the perspective of "easy" healing. But that assumes you have a second healer in the raid with brain.
The amount of times me as the Scholar has to actively keep the Tank alive with GCD heals because the WHM thinks 10k HP on a Tank is fine to spam Glare with is mesmerizing.
Let alone healing becomes easier if you have a group that understands mitigation.
I personally enjoy healing, and I wish it would be a bit more complex in the DPS department.
But I want to point out healing isn't "easy", Especially learning fights while also getting more familiar with the Job is at first overwhelming, soo I understand that people struggle.
I also feel that resources ingame about good healing are missing. Like there is no good advice from the game how to deal with chain of raidwides.
The Novice Hall needs a healing rework and that badly. We can't expect any healer to pick up healing to watch youtube videos of optimal healing and mitigation rotations.
Biggest painpoint for me. HoT's are really badly communicated in game as to how much healing it will do over time. The Buff itself with a timer is one thing, but you have to remember ALL HoT's by symbol and you cannot tell at all how big the effect is.
Which leads to "safe healers", topping people off the whole time even if the next 20 seconds there is no incoming damage, because they see half-empty health bars.
SlasherSRL: I dont know why but hearing these people talk about healing being easy right now makes me feel like I'm super bad. I do feel the healing in this savage tier was somewhat easy but as someone who has only done it in PF stuff like ION cannons and EE2 in m4s really felt like I had to play it well as it wasnt just use 1 ability and I am done. To me the outgoing damage was maybe a bit too infrequent as most of the time you would have your oGCDs back up again by the time the next big damage section came around but in some places there really wasnt enough time to get everything back so you had to plan out what to use where.
Oct 29 2024